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Henroo's latest activity

  • Henroo
    Henroo replied to the thread Feedback Whiskers of the Past.
    Pretty clear from the one in my inventory that at stage 10 it is 3 three value AW spells. And if you are choosing the time boost option...
  • Henroo
    Henroo reacted to iamthouth's post in the thread Feedback Whiskers of the Past with Like Like.
    @Henroo if that is the case that would be good. I interpreted it as 3 AW KP every 24 hours.
  • Henroo
    Henroo replied to the thread Feedback Whiskers of the Past.
    In terms of KP for AWs it is literally the best building ever. It occupies 15 total squares of space and will give 3 three KP spells...
  • Henroo
    Henroo replied to the thread Feedback Whiskers of the Past.
    So I took my own advice and cashed in all of the event currency in my 3 big cities to win Amuni Ships to disenchant for frags. For...
  • Henroo
    Henroo replied to the thread Feedback Whiskers of the Past.
    Today's daily prize is the Amuni Ships which is 4x5 in size. It is the biggest building being offered in this event and will disenchant...
  • Henroo
    Henroo reacted to OakKnoll's post in the thread started a new city with Like Like.
    So which did you choose? Buildings to L3 or portal to L4 first?
  • Henroo
    Henroo replied to the thread started a new city.
    Portal to L4. I have gotten the buildings to L3. I don't think I'm going to take them to L4. I have progressed a good ways on portal...
  • Henroo
    Henroo reacted to Darielle's post in the thread Feedback Whiskers of the Past with Like Like.
    They'll have to wrench the game from my cold dead hands before I give up my portal profits, lol. They are a godsend in Chapter 19. Now...
  • Henroo
    Henroo reacted to Enevhar Aldarion's post in the thread Feedback Whiskers of the Past with Like Like.
    My Beta city used my entire stockpile of PPs to get through chapter 20 at a decent pace.
  • Henroo
    Henroo reacted to Dr Hugo Z Hackenbush's post in the thread Chap 22? with Like Like.
    Perhaps revenue is an indicator. It used to be around 200K a month. For April it was 100K. Soon we will have stats for this month...
  • Henroo
    Henroo reacted to Glandeh's post in the thread Chap 22? with Like Like.
    According to the devs, they plan for chapter 30. I'm old and burried if they keep this rated of adding new chapters :).
  • Henroo
    That sounds worse than the format of the forums. If I post a link to a forum thread, I can be fairly confident that that thread will...
  • Henroo
    Henroo reacted to Darielle's post in the thread News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers! with Like Like.
    Let us know what you think in "link removed" ... Your thoughts are also always welcome in "link removed." That just speaks volumes to...
  • Henroo
    Henroo replied to the thread Feedback Whiskers of the Past.
    I guess I'm doing better on portal profits than I realized. I thought other end game players were sitting on stashes similar to mine.
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  • Henroo
    Henroo replied to the thread started a new city.
    Honestly, if I had remembered what city I was in I would have catered as well. The thing about the tournament is: as you progress the...