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    Your Elvenar Team

Recent content by Henroo

  1. Henroo

    Feedback Whiskers of the Past

    Pretty clear from the one in my inventory that at stage 10 it is 3 three value AW spells. And if you are choosing the time boost option, it is giving you 3 thirty minute boosters daily.
  2. Henroo

    Feedback Whiskers of the Past

    In terms of KP for AWs it is literally the best building ever. It occupies 15 total squares of space and will give 3 three KP spells daily. Which works out to 9 KP daily. The previous best building was Dragonheart Estate, which occupied 16 squares and gave a 7 KP spell daily.
  3. Henroo

    Feedback Whiskers of the Past

    So I took my own advice and cashed in all of the event currency in my 3 big cities to win Amuni Ships to disenchant for frags. For reference, each city is on the quest lock and each has a fed Ashen Phoenix. But nothing else. Results were fairly consistent. Khel won 17 Amuni Ships and has a...
  4. Henroo

    Feedback Whiskers of the Past

    Today's daily prize is the Amuni Ships which is 4x5 in size. It is the biggest building being offered in this event and will disenchant for 1200 spell fragments. If your city does not really need any more daily prize buildings and you are just looking for stuff to turn into frags, this is the...
  5. Henroo

    started a new city

    Portal to L4. I have gotten the buildings to L3. I don't think I'm going to take them to L4. I have progressed a good ways on portal profits while doing the upgrades. Now I only have 7 tech advances left in the chapter. 3 of them are already filled with KP. 225 KP will finish the rest of the...
  6. Henroo

    News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    That sounds worse than the format of the forums. If I post a link to a forum thread, I can be fairly confident that that thread will still exist for future readers to follow the link.
  7. Henroo

    Feedback Whiskers of the Past

    I guess I'm doing better on portal profits than I realized. I thought other end game players were sitting on stashes similar to mine.
  8. Henroo

    started a new city

    Honestly, if I had remembered what city I was in I would have catered as well. The thing about the tournament is: as you progress the squad sizes get larger (yours and theirs) AND the odds get worse. So you're sending larger and larger groups of troops in against worse and worse odds. There...
  9. Henroo

    started a new city

    So: I had a momentary lapse and lost track of which city I was in. I confidently sent 5 squads of Blossom Mages into battle. And they lost. After a second of 2 of stunned disbelief, I realized: this isn't my chapter 21 elven city. My Blossoms here are 1 star, not 3 star. And they don't have a...
  10. Henroo

    Feedback Whiskers of the Past

    Have you considered disenchanting portal profits? They have a very high spell fragment value when you do disenchant them. And the fact that you can now place daily prize type buildings in your city and then sell them for CCs is also very useful. In many cases you are better off doing this than...
  11. Henroo

    Feedback Whiskers of the Past

    It is not as easy as it used to be. But it is still possible to upgrade AWs. My ch 21 cities have continued to do the final upgrades on their AWs. Even though most of the AWs there are high level and thus very expensive to upgrade. Furthermore, the new city I started in January has not yet hit a...
  12. Henroo

    Is Ceravyn as hard as other worlds? SO SO many players leaving!

    Looks like you are right. I was going by Wikipedia, which lists Rise of Cultures as iOS/Andriod only. Says nothing about a browser version.
  13. Henroo

    Is Ceravyn as hard as other worlds? SO SO many players leaving!

    I kind of think this might be the case. If you look at all of the older Games Inno developed, they have both a browser version and a mobile version. Elvenar (2015) is the last game to feature a browser version. Everything they have done since then is mobile only. I highly suspect that it is much...
  14. Henroo

    started a new city

    Well, the Orcs chapter is still the long, protracted slog that I remember from my first time through the game. Since my last post, I placed 2 more expansion, however I did not put them directly beside the settlement area. I instead extended my primary north/south road. However, I was also able...
  15. Henroo

    started a new city

    Prosperity Towers is without a doubt the best supplies wonder. It beats Tome of Secrets or Endless Excavation hands down. But if I had to pick 1 single wonder in the game, I think it would have to be Golden Abyss. The single best source of both gold and population. That is 2 critical elements...