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    Your Elvenar Team

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  1. Xelenia

    Long Time No See

    Hey!!!! I feel like I have taken a sabbatical from the forum, how has everyone been? I know you have all been in the great hand of @helya <3
  2. Xelenia

    News from Beta - Archived

    Dear Humans and Elves, Since we are seeing a desire to discuss Beta-related topics on the US forum, we have decided to create a thread solely for that purpose, in which you will be able to discuss Beta-related topics. This also means that, from now on, all other threads attempting to discuss...
  3. Xelenia

    News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    Dear Humans and Elves, Since we are seeing a desire to discuss Beta-related topics on the US forum, we have decided to create a thread solely for that purpose, in which you will be able to discuss Beta-related topics. This also means that, from now on, all other threads attempting to discuss...
  4. Xelenia

    Thank You

    Hello Everyone, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for bringing life into the forum. I know at times it can be frustrating, but I hope the positives outweigh the negatives! I wish for your safety and that of your family, I realize the world is quite abnormal at the moment. Stay safe, stay...
  5. Xelenia

    Ideas and Suggestion Forum Guide

    Dear Elves and Humans, Thank you for taking the time to provide us with ideas to improve Elvenar. As a dedicated community, it is important for your US Elvenar Team to be able to organize your ideas and work them out together with you. When sending in your ideas, read the following guidelines...
  6. Xelenia

    [Archived 4/2020] News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    Dear Humans and Elves, Since we are seeing a desire to discuss Beta-related topics on the US forum, we have decided to create a thread solely for that purpose, in which you will be able to discuss Beta-related topics. This also means that, from now on, all other threads attempting to discuss...