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    Your Elvenar Team

Dwarf Guest race by formula - 55:1 then 50:1 then 40:1


Oh Wise One
Some people want a simple, general, rule of thumb for getting through guest races, without a lot of fiddling about. One thing that might be useful to you is knowing that to complete all the techs (not building upgrades or street construction) you need approximately 55 granite for every copper you need.

That need is not smooth or constant. At the start, you'll be producing nothing but granite. by mid-chapter, it schould probably be around 50:1 production, and by the time you get to the last few techs, it will be closer to 40:1, depending on the exact order you do things. Recognize that your granite factories at first level are going to sit idle for a few hours a night, while higher level granit factories can produce close to 24 hours a day, so what you actually get from them is not necessarily the production/hour listed on the description.

With those understandings, you may find that these ratios can be a useful rough guide to help you in your planning: