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    Your Elvenar Team

Population bug.


So apparently the game has some sort of bug regarding working population. I noticed this first a while back when I would upgrade a house and noticed my population remained the same, or even went down, I couldn't prove this at the time but kept my eye on it.

Now I finally have proof, as I just upgraded one my houses while I had 2 remaining population, and now I have -6 population. So it seems someone either messed up the math somewhere, or certain levels of house upgrades are giving a negative population bonus.

Screenshot included. (By the way, you need to increase your 1mb upload limit, even with a .jpg format I had to crop the hell out of the screenshot to get it under 1mb.)


  • Bug.jpg
    914.6 KB · Views: 101


Valhalla, thank you for bringing this to our attention.
- Did you sell any residences while waiting for an upgrade?
- Did you have any other upgrades going on?
- Did you try refreshing your game?
- Upgrade happened from what level to what level of the house?

Post screen of your population summary please.
Also, if your screens are too big you can always use an image hosting service.
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Having the possibility to get a negative population in Elvenar is not a bug, but this is an intended feature. In order to advance in the game however (place/upgrade buildings), you'll first have to get a positive population again.


Having the possibility to get a negative population in Elvenar is not a bug, but this is an intended feature. In order to advance in the game however (place/upgrade buildings), you'll first have to get a positive population again.

It would be nice if you could elaborate as to how it's even possible to do so... Since you can't build/upgrade something without having enough population in the first place.