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    Your Elvenar Team

Adjust spire set goods output

Adjust spire set goods output

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New Member
You have great fellows that keep you afloat, there will be penty of players quitting the game not because they don't like the game but because it became "unplayable" I know several players already contemplating this, inlcuding myself on a new world.
Since it's a "new world" the problem is way more prominent. you are constantly struggling to get other bonus goods and like you explained it feels like begging your fellows who are already swamped in scrolls to help you out.

This is a very unhealthy situation for the game, imagine starting the game being unable to aquire crystal and silk because of this drama.
1/3rd of the "new players" are on auto fail mode the second they start this game, even if they are intrested and would have been keepers otherwise.


Thank you for your sentiments here. And - I also apologize for 'resurrecting' a thread where the voting is closed - it looks like I just missed it. As a new player (Ch. 4), boosted in planks, scrolls, and dust, here are my observations:

  • I realized a 'problem' early on in Chp. III. My scrolls would sit for awhile and there were exactly two players that accepted my scrolls - the AM of my (then) fellowship just to help me out despite also being boosted in scrolls and a wonderful, very high neighbor that has basically accepted all of my trades since Ch I. No other FS members would accept my scrolls and no other neighbors. I did not have this problem with planks - planks were accepted by my neighbors (and, to a lesser extent my FS) frequently and in far greater number. Side note: I also do not have this problem with dust, now that I'm producing dust regularly.
  • I started looking in the trader multiple times a day to see if anyone (even undiscovered provinces) was requesting scrolls. No one was, and I thought maybe I was missing out. Side note: The reality is - maybe I'm not, because few people demand scrolls, or maybe I am because scrolls are in such abundance that when a demand for scrolls occurs in the trader, the trade is accepted quickly by someone else.
  • I joined another fellowship that was more active in the tournament and, at least according to elvenstats, did not have as many scroll-boosted players. I thought I might see an improvement in scroll trading. The reality here - there hasn't been an improvement in scroll trading. In fact, I now see the trades of FS members (some boosted in scrolls, some not but still try to trade scrolls) whose scrolls trades sit on the trader for 3-5 days despite being 3 stars.
  • The only folks that accept my scrolls, now, are the same very high neighbor and 1-2 (depending on the week) very gracious high members from my current FS. I worry that once my city advances further and production increases to more significant amounts, the assistance from these few individuals will cease, and there won't be anyone at all to accept my scroll trades.
The good news is I've expanded enough to now see a neighbor that demands 3-5K scrolls occasionally. If I'm lucky enough to see those trades from that *one* player, I basically "eat" the 500 goods trader fee, acquire their silk they are trading, and then trade silk for crystal. If not for my undiscovered neighbor who has helped me from the very beginning, in addition to 1-2 high-level FS members that have accepted my scrolls (they are boosted in scrolls too) to help me grow, I'm certain I would have quit just out of frustration. The solution proposed in this thread I would heartily accept if this Moonstone Library is hindering scroll trades, but, as a new player, I realize I may not understand the full ramifications and consequences of such a change.
This got to be long, but TLDR : As a newer player boosted in scrolls, I can acknowledge, based off my direct observation and experience, that there must be an imbalance of scrolls in the game. The Moonstone library may be a significant part of it, and I am glad to now, at least, understand why no one seems to want scrolls. That imbalance has been a problem for me and, with fewer options to try to acquire silk and crystal, it's been a constant frustration and worry.

To the the exactly one neighbor (in FS Antediluvian, to be precise) that has helped me from the beginning: If you happen to see this, I really cannot thank you enough for doing something as simple as accepting my '25' for '25' and now '1200 for 1200' trades for all tiers and cross-tier trades. Faced with this unknown when it comes to scrolls, I am especially grateful to have your continued assistance when you've no real incentive (other than good will) to provide it at all. My sincerest and most genuine thanks and appreciation, despite having already given it, is the only thing I can provide you once more so.. thank you.
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Deleted User - 1178646

To the the exactly one neighbor (in FS Antediluvian, to be precise) that has helped me from the beginning: If you happen to see this, I really cannot thank you enough for doing something as simple as accepting my '25' for '25' and now '1200 for 1200' trades for all tiers and cross-tier trades. Faced with this unknown when it comes to scrolls, I am especially grateful to have your continued assistance when you've no real incentive (other than good will) to provide it at all. My sincerest and most genuine thanks and appreciation, despite having already given it, is the only thing I can provide you once more so.. thank you.

My best advise for now, if you can stomach it, is to start a new account, one that doesnt have scrolls as boosted.
It's isuper lame but for the time being you issue will not be solved, this will make your game only worse in the comming months.
Those needs will rise soon enough to 5000-25000, 100.000 and more a week, this might be the point others will no longer be able to help you out.

If I understand your story right you might be in the very first 3 weeks of the game and starting over now might not be as bad as it will be in the future.
Since the US server has many worlds, just login on another 1 in the hope not to het scrolls as boosted, this allows you to improve both city's so it will be easier to abandon the current one once it becomes unplayable while at the same time you have a better start at another one (each world has it's own city with it's own boosted goods)


New Member
My best advise for now, if you can stomach it, is to start a new account, one that doesnt have scrolls as boosted.
It's isuper lame but for the time being you issue will not be solved, this will make your game only worse in the comming months.
Those needs will rise soon enough to 5000-25000, 100.000 and more a week, this might be the point others will no longer be able to help you out.

If I understand your story right you might be in the very first 3 weeks of the game and starting over now might not be as bad as it will be in the future.
Since the US server has many worlds, just login on another 1 in the hope not to het scrolls as boosted, this allows you to improve both city's so it will be easier to abandon the current one once it becomes unplayable while at the same time you have a better start at another one (each world has it's own city with it's own boosted goods)

I’ve been playing actively about two months now actually. And, because I’m concerned about the future trading prospects as a scrolls boosted player, I did create another city just this week. I don’t exactly want to start over, nor am I quite ready to give up on my primary city, but it really may be the best option at some point soon. Like you said, my production of scrolls will only increase to the point where others will no longer be able to feasibly help. I either need to try my luck with significantly more cross trades, which I doubt is sustainable, or just turn my focus to the new city. As I approach being able to unlock further upgrades on scroll manufactories, my concerns are heightened. Thanks for your response, Crazy Wizard.