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    Your Elvenar Team

spire ends during battle


What happens when the spire ends during battle? I was in a 2 wave fight and was one hammer blow away from finishing the 2nd wave when the spire ended with an internal error and the game crashed. My question is what happened to my valiant troops? Where they summarily executed or did they get to go back to the army camp? Yes, it's my fault, I thought I had enough time. I just hope all my troops didn't have to die! Forgot to add I was doing a manual fight in the browser.


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
When you return you usually get a chance to "continue" or "end the battle" If you continue it goes through the battle to the point where it crashed. At least that's what's always happened to me.



That does happen during a regular tournament or map encounter. It will be interesting to see what happens then the spire comes back on Sunday. I was on the 3rd floor. It would be cool if it dropped me back there to finish my battle! I suspect it would crash after that one. lol.


Buddy Fan Club member
It's happened to me twice now at the end of the Spire. Basically, when time runs out, you're done.
Both times, I was in the third wave of the final boss fight. From what I could tell, I lost whatever troops had died at that point from waves 1&2 and possibly however many were killed in wave 3. I definitely did not get the Gold FS rewards in the Gold Spire city (and yes, the group completed the Gold that week). Spire came back around on Sunday acting like nothing ever happened...rude if you ask me...


Well, I guess as long as the ones still alive went home I can't really complain other than sorry, followed by the game crashing is not really the best response to out of time. p,s. Third wave of a boss fight! Wow! I run from those!


Buddy Fan Club member
Third wave of a boss fight! Wow! I run from those!
I'm a manual fighter, and for me, three wave boss fights can sometimes be *easier* than some of the regular chest encounters. *Easier* meaning less costly in troops due to enemy squad sizes being slightly less than my squad sizes. Enemy squad sizes exceed mine in some of the regular chest encounters; depending on enemy makeup, that can result in higher losses for me. My cities are early Ch16 & 17, though, so I've gotten military AW's upgraded well and have a decent inventory of temp boost bldgs. I place one of each bldg type each week with a rule that I have to have over 10 in stock to place 2 of the same bldg. Between UUU's and DA's I usually have 10 and place one of each; the other bldgs are less often able to place 2 bldgs, but rarely do I worry about running out*.
*Just now placed my last ELR in the Ch16 city...RNG has not been kind to me there. If I don't get another before next Friday, I may end up running out, lol!


Thank you! I had not noticed that the number of troops dropped some in the multi-wave fights vs. the regular chests. Good to know. I've been fighting without support buildings in the spire and I really need to think about using those, but I think at where I am just starting chapter 7, they aren't needed yet. I did have the chicken feed for tournament rounds 5 and 6 when I opened the 3rd floor (I was just looking) and I could tell it made a difference. I would have cleared the 1st level of the 3rd floor if the clock had not killed me.

Dew Spinner

Well-Known Member
Thank you! I had not noticed that the number of troops dropped some in the multi-wave fights vs. the regular chests. Good to know. I've been fighting without support buildings in the spire and I really need to think about using those, but I think at where I am just starting chapter 7, they aren't needed yet. I did have the chicken feed for tournament rounds 5 and 6 when I opened the 3rd floor (I was just looking) and I could tell it made a difference. I would have cleared the 1st level of the 3rd floor if the clock had not killed me.
The reason to start using those Military Boost Buildings is that it lessens how many troops you loose and therby how many trrops you have to train before the next tournament/spire begins. You should make full use of those buildings every week, just remember to keep enough in reseve in case you hit a bad RNG spell.


Buddy Fan Club member
Keeping a good inventory of the boost bldgs is tougher at your level in the game. You won't be able to get my results for some time, but start thinking along the lines of using the same set of boost bldgs to do both the tourney and Spire.
I've been playing the Spire since launch (a bit over 2 yrs ago) and I've increased my crafting considerably with the rewards from the Spire. But, my biggest advantage is being able to use them conservatively and get maximum benefit while the boost bldgs are active. With an advanced TimeWarp AW (which isn't even available until the end of Ch14) and a lvl 10 polar bear, my cooldown between tourney rounds is zero in one city with a lvl 30TW and 40 min in the other (lvl 28 - I'm working on it, lol!) Even low level polar bears can help some. Level 1 could make it so you can reasonably fit in 6 rounds every week time-wise.
What I've figured out (haven't been able to coordinate my life to actually accomplish it yet :D ) is: It is possible to do 2 Spires and 2 tourneys off one set of temp bldgs with zero cooldown and a decent amount of time boosters. If your FS gets the Silver trophy, the FS rewards give back enough time boosters to replace all it would take to run through the entire Spire, so any you win in chests is still a net gain.
The idea is: Wait until Friday, place the bldgs, feed the Fire Chicken and do the Spire. Feed the polar bear and you've got from whatever time now until the tourney ends tomorrow (Saturday). You can do each province round one right after the other whenever you have time to knock some out until you've done whatever you wanted to for that week. The Spire launches Sunday: Feed the Fire Chicken; if you finish the Spire by Monday at the time you fed the bird on Sunday, you'll conserve pet food, too. When the tourney launches Tues, the temp bldgs will still be active, including the polar bear (its feeding lasts 5 days). Feed the Fire bird again and you have until Wed (at the earlier of either the time you placed the bldgs Friday or the time you fed the chicken) to get the tourney finished. 2 Spires, 2 tourneys, one set of boost bldgs and 4 pet food.
At this point, I'm still sometimes finishing the current week's Spire on Friday (thus...running out of time...) but that's because I let event quests dictate when I do Spire/tourney and I can't seem to get on the right schedule...yet. I'll get there. I'm usually doing the entire tourney on Fri/Sat, so I know that part works. Part of it for me is in Spire and wanting to do all manual fighting...very time consuming...Maybe once I get the other city to zero cooldown I'll be able to do both tourneys quickly on Tuesday; that would let me set out the bldgs Thurs night and knock off some time in the Spire. Manually fighting 2 Spires is just tough to fit into a few hours on Friday before it ends.