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Exiting Dwarves and entering Fairies



I looked through all the Fairy research and I don't see any need for the copper and granite mines. Is this so? I don't want to use supplies to keep producing copper if I don't need to.

Also, does anyone have a link to point me to what I can expect with the Fairies?

Thank you


Once you are in the Fairy chapter, there will be a quest to sell your Dwarven portal. If you wish to upgrade your roads to Dwarven, I would keep the portal, mines and coppers busy until your roads are finished. If you do not wish to upgrade your roads, you can sell everything once you get the quest. Since that quest was made declinable, you don't even need to wait for it if you want to sell. :)

Here is the link for the Fairy chapter guide


I really haven't built the Dwarven roads. I think I have one tile laid down. I didn't know if I really needed them and I wasn't clear on what I was doing. So, are the Dwarves going away? If so, why keep any of it? Is there a reason to build the roads?

Thank you so much for the Fairy Guide Link. :)


Oh Wise One
There are the "portal tracks" the dwarves use, and there are "Dwarven Style" roads, which you can use between your regular buildings. The tracks are useless once the dwarves are gone. The Dwarven style roads offer more culture than the earlier roads. If you have lots of culture, they are not worth building. If you are struggling for culture, they can be a useful boost, however Fairy style roads come fairly early in the next chapter, and are even better, so don't do Dwarven style roads if you don't really need them.


I do have a bunch of portal tracks to connect to the portal, but just one Dwarven 'road' tile. Thank you for the advice. I'll wait for the Fairy road. I didn't realize the roads provided culture.


And just to be clear, I can stop collecting granite and copper?


Streets provide a LOT of culture :)


I did the Dwarven street upgrade and got 14,000 culture just in the roads. When I upgraded to Fairy streets, that culture jumped up to 19,000!

That is the equivalent of 5 Ponds of Recreation sitting on 6 expansions I didn't have to build :)

Yes, if you are done with the chapter, than Dwarven goods are useless and you can stop collecting them.


Oh Wise One
Thank you and wow! I may rethink this. :)
Don't rethink it too hard. they do provide a lot of culture, but the fairy roads will come fairly soon, and are a much better deal. Dwarven Style roads are important if you are desperate for culture, but if you have lots of culture I think it's more efficient to wait for the faeries.