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Recent content by Aelanna

  1. duplicate the "all workshops activate" click box for use in manufactories

    I just came here to suggest this myself. I didn't realize that factories change the way they make things over time, I haven't gotten that far yet. But I have lots of factories, usually the same level or within 1 of the same level of each other, and I LOVE the checkbox that was added to...
  2. Automation icon for neighbor visits on the world map.

    I think they should do it like they have the FS visits set up. All your discovered neighbors on a list where you can click each one and then select which building (MH, BH, C) to click on to help. That would be tons easier than using the map. My map is large too, and I just don't bother helping...
  3. Buildings Menu Needed

    I track what's in my city and what level it is in a spreadsheet.
  4. Summoned units not appearing

    Today in the winter event I twice won instants that are supposed to summon 5 squads of units. 1 Barbarian, and 1 Crossbowmen. But when I used them, they did nothing. I got zero extra units. What gives?