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Recent content by FogWeaver

  1. Closed | Contact Support Game not opening

    Try using a browser other than Firefox. I just got on using Waterfox, others with Chrome and Edge.
  2. Closed | Contact Support Game not loading - Server Error

    I'm having the same problem. living on the Lost Coast of Northern California. We're having storms right now. I thought that might be part of the problem. Our connections here (roads, power, internet, etc.) can be flaky, esp. during the winter.
  3. Guide to Fellowship Adventures

    Herding cats it is. I wrote this mostly for new players who might feel they have nothing to contribute to a Fellowship Adventure. The ettiquette guide was included because I knew that some Fellowships have had problems with this. If you can get a fair number of respected players to follow...
  4. Guide to Fellowship Adventures

    Thank you all very much for the feedback.:) We had one instance where a Waypoint was locked up with one person having contributed to it. Of course, there may have been two people trying to contribute at exactly the same time -- there's no way of knowing. No one mentioned anything in the chat...
  5. Guide to Fellowship Adventures

    Guide to Fellowship Adventures See Also https://en.wiki.elvenar.com/index.php?title=Fellowship_Adventures, which has a lot of basic information about F.A.s. This Guide is an attempt to answer questions that the developers didn’t address, probably because they were “too obvious”. For experienced...