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Recent content by Gildentongue

  1. Looking for active FS

    I've joined up with Old and Wise. THank you all for your kind invitations.
  2. Considering Spire Completion "Giant 'Ta-Da'"

    I like this idea. Maybe also code in a "ta da!" sound effect.
  3. Neighborly Help - Graphic Effect

    Yes absolutely this! Put it up at the top of the screen like where you get the floaties for goods and gold.
  4. Old tech is no more

    Two questions: Is this a change that came in with the new tech tree or has it always been that way? And is it the PURCHASE of diamonds or the SPENDING of diamonds that flags a city as "do not delete"? Also, if you put in a support ticket, Inno will delete abandoned cities for you (limit...
  5. Looking for active FS

    Joined one and then looked them up on Elvenstats (should have done that first) and discovered it's inactive. So I'm looking again. Looking for active FS with a decent amount of chat participation (or other equivalent communication). A lot of the fun here is social interaction. My city is on...