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Recent content by Halugen

  1. Halugen

    Is this a bug or just a hiccup?

    That happened to me too! I never make them, so clicked it if all of them, except the active being made one. Later I went back in, and it was back to combining catelyst! Wierd....
  2. Halugen

    Spire gold fellowship explanation?

    So I complete the spire almost every week. My understanding is I need the fellowship to gain 1330 points to get all 275 diamonds. So if my fellowship doesn't do that, I get my diamonds plus whatever level (usually 1 or 2) the purple bar goes to. Awesome, I think I got it! Thank you everyone!
  3. Halugen

    Spire gold fellowship explanation?

    Thank you. Just trying to research a few things, and this is helpful. :)
  4. Halugen

    Spire gold fellowship explanation?

    So the whole fellowship has to achieve those points, and then only those that actually completed the spire gets the 275 diamonds?
  5. Halugen

    Spire gold fellowship explanation?

    Sorry, even though I've been playing for close to two years, I have kinda a newbie question. Does anyone know what a spire gold membership rewards people with? Is there a difference in the amount of diamonds you receive or something?
  6. Halugen

    Fellowship Adventure

    Not loving it either. Many of the other badges you can plan for, but coins is set. You can get so many by neighborly help, time, etc. but to them have to use instants to get more is way not cool. I can only get 1 a day through normal means and some of these waypoints want 50 to 70. This just...