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    Your Elvenar Team

Recent content by Honeybubbles

  1. News from Discord - May Contain Info!

    It sounds like MTG/ Inno are whitewashing the Smallest Room....
  2. City What if we could frag our leftover guest race goods??

    I still don't understand why MTG/Inno had to use spell fragments as part of the new equation. Anyone with a little foresight can see the ramifications: excessive hardship for all excluding end-gamers with maxed AWs! If they wanted to increase the difficulty in upgrading AWs, why not increase...
  3. started a new city

    Oh my goddess! What courage! And yes, infinite patience and/or a fat credit card will be needed on this adventure....hahahaha....
  4. smaller city cannot upgrade wonders

    Nice idea, BUT, crafting each artefact for these costs 10k spell fragments and 3 blueprints. Multiply by 9 to fully evolve= 90k spell fragments and 27 blueprints per building o_O
  5. Help spell fragment production

    Trading Outpost. Polar Bear.
  6. Help spell fragment production

    Agree totally. However, a new city, on the new tech tree, will need much, much longer to save the resources to build the moonstone set. 2 years ago, I was in Chapter 3. I hit the Spire every week to at least the Toad and pushed for gold once a month. It took months back then, on the old tech...
  7. Help spell fragment production

    Yeah well!! You're gonna need >20k in spell fragments to craft that entire set in the first place! :rolleyes:
  8. Feedback Quick and Dirty Summary of Ancient Wonder Changes

    Looks like they are tweaking(nerfing) the buffs we gained already! Prosperity Towers L21 was increased to 100k production following the change, and has now dropped back to 98k per three hours.
  9. Feedback Quick and Dirty Summary of Ancient Wonder Changes

    Shrooms went down around 25% in training size in my Halflings city with only 5 armories. From 4050 down to 3173. It was way better than Bullwark...
  10. One Word Reply Game

  11. Come Play With Me ~ Two Words

    Down under
  12. It worked for StarTrek

  13. How to partially quote a post on the App

    Thank you :) My lap top died a couple of months back and locating all the editing tools on mobile is much harder without tooltips.
  14. What is your city name and why?

    "SAVE THE FORUM!!" atm :)