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Recent content by iven

  1. doing out of order

  2. doing out of order

    if I do a Squad Size Upgrade level 18 before I do the level 17 can I go back and do the level 17, and if I do, do I get the same benefits? the answer may be in here somewhere but I got tired of looking. Thx :)
  3. i got ahead of my quest challenges

    https://elvengems.com/quests/story-quests/guest-races/ answered a lot of questions for me thx :)
  4. Builders hut upgrade

    yes, it did, thank you :)
  5. Builders hut upgrade

    So the Builders hut upgrade (with diamonds) from 2 to 3, gives you a 3rd builder ?
  6. Builders hut upgrade

    does the Builders hut upgrade (with diamonds) from 2 to 3 give you a 3rd builder or just the slot for one (which it looks like you already have)?
  7. What Song are You Listening to?

    no Wait
  8. What Song are You Listening to?

  9. Songs about cars or driving

    there's so many, think this one is fun
  10. Squad size upgrade question

    ? so when you increase your squad size the squad size of the provinces increase also ?
  11. no city expansion from research

    thx a lot :) , just added 5 expansions, that's gonna help a lot and should be able to add 3 more in a couple days :)
  12. no city expansion from research

    ok have 652 K coins 240 diamonds, Research Expansion has Place 10000 coins in green and 200 diamonds in blue. I just need to make sure I have my curser on the green coin part and not on the expansion pic? last time it took my diamonds
  13. no city expansion from research

    Mine isn't greyed out and I have enough coins and diamonds to buy, but would rather not spend my 200 diamonds yet. would show you a pic but the file is to big . and not sure how to down size it. but Thx :)
  14. no city expansion from research

    OK the center 1 that also cost DIAMONDS , guess for me they're a waste to do unless there's an another advantage to completing them. Thx
  15. no city expansion from research

    can some one explain to me how the city expansion in the research section works? Because I haven't seen where they have added any ability to add city expansions, the last time I took screen shot to make sure. I have added expansions by completing provinces and buying 1 with Diamonds