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    Your Elvenar Team

Recent content by Jwb52z

  1. Are we down?

    I still get nothing but the spinning circle thing and the blue InnoGames background.
  2. Are we down?

    I've used other browsers and didn't like them. I don't really need things the newer ones do, so they're kind of superfluous to requirements. I've been using IE since 3.0. I'll switch when I can't get IE to function or get access to it anymore. I wouldn't mind if they would do a setting to...
  3. Are we down?

    I hope the Elvenar people can fix this because I really don't want to use another browser until IE no longer works.
  4. Are we down?

    Whatever US server my area is on is the one that is down. I still can't get it to load.
  5. Are we down?

    Are we down again? I can't get anything past the "InnoGames" screen with the blue background and the spinning circle.
  6. The Harvest Festival Feedback!

    I guess I'm someone who doesn't play a game for the challenge, but for simply something to do to pass time.
  7. The Harvest Festival Feedback!

    Maybe I should have said it this way. I have no space that I think is worth little enough to do this when we're "supposed to" focus on boosted goods. This is a tactic that I think should be beneath the game developers when we could simply be given a decline button, but that would go against...
  8. The Harvest Festival Feedback!

    I literally can't because I have no space and can't get the space fast enough to do it to make it worth the effort. I am starting to feel like the developers care more about the money they make and some theoretical idea of "game difficulty" which they hold up on a pedestal than actually doing...
  9. 3 ideas for improvement

    Am I the only one who doesn't care that the developers think something would make the game "too easy" or furious that they won't implement a feature just because of that same reason or that it's difficult for them?
  10. The Harvest Festival Feedback!

    Why do they have to give us quests that we can't decline that are also impossible? I can't do the current minor task because I got rid of all manufactories for non-boosted goods.
  11. Building screen and icon change request

    Yes, people call me insane and naïve. I stopped caring about that when I was still a minor. I'm not anywhere near a child. People always immediately discount me completely and disregard everything I say once they know me, so you're free to do so, but I won't give out personal information...
  12. Building screen and icon change request

    It's not the advertising, in the case of this game, that "gets on my nerves", although I do hate all forms of advertising because, honestly, if I want something, I'll go looking for it myself and I haven' needed someone to tell me about it first and a few other reasons. This is really far off...
  13. Building screen and icon change request

    Other people keep trying to tell me the game isn't what you describe, but I have seen games like it before where it's all about making money for the developers and virtually nothing else. I guess I'll go back to my original idea to continue until it becomes obtusely involved with the only...
  14. Building screen and icon change request

    For those of us who are just starting out, especially those of us who are not Inno's preferred kind of player who will never spend real money, it would be nice if the building icon at the bottom of the screen did not show a new building to be built with the red notification if the player doesn't...
  15. 24 hr production increase

    For me, it would be preferable to not have the boost if it can't include accounting for when someone starts a production. It's no good to me if I have to constantly watch and exactly time when I start things for no other reason than to see that they finish in the very small time window.