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    Your Elvenar Team

Recent content by Lyllia

  1. Lyllia

    Pet Peeves About Elvenar

    Agree that there are too many FA. Too much of a good thing. The way the game interacts between pages. So there is no way to see notifications on the world map or any other pages but home. Also, to go to the trader from the world map I have to go home first. Then the trader. Then back to the...
  2. Lyllia

    Fixing Commands - /Who /Whisper

    Thank you Shimmerfly. I have now changed my settings. During game play are the mages and arch mages able to use the /who function currently? Can they (any members of my FS) monitor my game play time?
  3. Lyllia

    Fixing Commands - /Who /Whisper

    Since I was never aware of these features then I do not miss them. That also means that I wasn't aware that anyone knew when I was playing or not (except the server). When I play or how often should be private. As long as I uphold my commitment to my FS. I'm not sure I comprehend the concept of...
  4. Lyllia

    Hello My name is Lyllia

    I'm glad to be a part of the forums. There are so many different strategies on how to play Elvenar. Hoping to learn and think about new approaches to game play. Nice to be here Lyllia