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Recent content by Phabian

  1. Spiffing Up Fellowship Adventures

    I am in a fellowship where participation in events is not mandatory, I like it as at times I am very busy, but it does drive me crazy to see some players never participate but get the rewards of the FA. Why can’t the same you participated and you get a part of the reward principle of the...
  2. Research Screen not loading

    on US2 using Chrome, I can load the game and saw the announcement about the bug and suggest clearing cache. cleared, still can load research nor the world menu.
  3. [16560] Chat box not working?

    What I find disappointing is that they are going to launch FA with the chat still not operational. FA works best when you can communicate with your fellowship effectively.
  4. [16560] Chat box not working?

    Chat seems to be up in Winyandor as well
  5. [16560] Chat box not working?

    Removed by support