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Recent content by Prickly Pete

  1. Frosty

    Not a biggie but it would be a nice touch if there were a couple of Frosties in the list of people generated to walk the city roads for the winter season.
  2. The Fairy Queen's Garden

    Fifty diamonds a week max. To raise one four by four structure one chapter it would take twelve weeks to earn the needed diamonds for the 16 RR's During the three months, earning would take, it is very likely one would have advanced more than one level and the acquired RR's would only raise one...
  3. The Fairy Queen's Garden

    Very nice so far. Perhaps one day instead of the opportunity to combine the Evolving tokens to make a generic Evolving token we can get the opportunity to combine the tokens to make a instant that would raise an evolving building one chapter. Would be a godsend to those of us not in the top...
  4. Tournament/Spire Formula SUCKS!!

    The formula may suck but then the higher levels of the spire are there to give higher level people something to do.
  5. Tournament/Spire Formula SUCKS!!

    Definitely find the Tournament, Spire an Province encounters to be waaaaaay easier at lower levels then higher. Do the Spire to the first gate and then bag it. I plan on the Tournament and Province encounters to be almost all catering. In my first world I put a lot into military and then...