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    Your Elvenar Team

Recent content by rhonar

  1. Tournament Score Display

    But it actually did happen. The worst case scenario's are not always pretend. Obviously, you nor I would do such a thing, but never the less it did happen. And she left the game And she had been playing for years. Another player received hate mail bc she has posted and passed another player...
  2. Tournament Score Display

    Ever received "hate mail"? I think its not a sound proposal unless it was just for the arch. The worst thing for a player is getting so called encouragement from other players who cannot write diplomatic messages. One thing about a great arch is diplomacy..I have had several players contact...
  3. US Servers down?

    BAAAD polish joke :P
  4. The Silver Swords are recruiting

    We merged with another fs
  5. Need more dedicated players to Join the Silver Swords

    We have accepted several new players into our fs - I encourage all who want to experience great fun to apply or contact the silver swords for more information while we still have openings :).
  6. Experienced player, young city, offering marble

    Please look at the silver swords and consider us. We are a fun loving bunch of dedicated players - may be what you are looking for.
  7. Need more dedicated players to Join the Silver Swords

    CALLING ALL FUN LOVING AND COMMITTED PLAYERS!! The brand new Silver Swords are recruiting....We are dedicated but relaxed group. Our membership activities levels range from "Every spare minute" to only four times a week. If you desire to be part of a devoted group who share knowledge, supports...