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Recent content by ShadowMonarch

  1. Barracks not giving the right number of troops.

    Yes I had got it from Gary of Baal, first I thought it was bug because it showed that I had 4.2 barbarians, and my big brain thought that some barbarians were not at full strength or someone was at 20% health thus 4.2, LOL. The major reason for me thinking that way was because it takes a lot of...
  2. Barracks not giving the right number of troops.

    Yes I got it from the previous guy, but this not noob friendly and it kinda wierd. First I thought that some troops had less health so they were considered as not full soldiers. Lol. Silly me. Thank you for explaining though.
  3. Barracks not giving the right number of troops.

    WHAAT? SERIOUSLY? NOW I KNOW WHY THIS GAME ISN'T POPULAR. I was wondering why it's showing numbers with decimal points, I thought one of the barbarians lost a limb or something. Thanks you for explaining BTW.
  4. Barracks not giving the right number of troops.

    I don't know what your saying but here are some images below to show the problem: I TRAINED 30 BARBARIANS AS SHOWN IN THE FIRST PIC BUT I ONLY GOT 4.2 AXE BARBARIANS AFTER TRAINING THEM, AS SHOWN IN THE SECOND PIC
  5. Barracks not giving the right number of troops.

    It shows that I can train 10 axe barbarians in one slot, and I have total 5 slots (two slots have a lock symbol and the other three are usable) And the problem: I put 10 barbarians for training in each 3 slots and I only got 0.8 trained barbarians in my camp after training.
  6. Barracks not giving the right number of troops.

    I'm a new player, playing Elvenar on Android. I put 27 barbarians for training but there were only 1.8 of them in the camp after training. Same with other troops as well. THIS IS NOT JUST A VISUAL ERROR, I tried attacking to get more provinces but there were not enough troops. PLEASE FIX THIS...