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Recent content by Sivri

  1. Show last time player was active

    Yogi Dave, True that we would want people outside our normal trading circle, but I can scroll around on the map fairly far away looking for people who are not in fellowships. I'm still pretty new so I'd like to learn a better way of helping my fellowship attract active player.
  2. Show last time player was active

    I was kinda thinking the same, except I have a neighbor who provides help to me but who isn't in a fellowship at all. They just don't want to be involved in one, but they are a couple chapters ahead of me. I also received the suggestion of "Look for upgrades that never finish", but that would...
  3. Show last time player was active

    When visiting cities, under the city name can the last time that player had been active (date) be shown? When I visit my neighbors I look to see who could be a good match for the fellowship I am in. If I know a player has not been active for a while (or a really long time) I will know sending...