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    Your Elvenar Team

Recent content by Tariel

  1. Daily players please...

    Federation of Cities is looking for active players that visit, tourney, FA, and support one another madly. Please have all three tiers of goods open and available for trade. We have room for a few players and are looking to add marble, silk, crystal, gems, and elixir. Let's have some fun.
  2. Marble, Silk, or Gems a plus

    Federation of Cities is looking for active players that visit, tourney, FA, and support one another madly. Please have all three tiers of goods open and available for trade. Let's have some fun - it is a game. =)
  3. Experienced Silk Please

    Federation of Cities is looking for an active, fun, silk player that can help move us on to the next level. We came in 14th overall in the last FA. We grab up six or seven chests every tourney. We want to gather a few more motivated players as we release the inactive bunch. If you're looking for...
  4. Federation of Cities Applications

    Positions filled. :rolleyes:
  5. Federation of Cities

    Looking for plank, silk, gem. Trying to keep things as balanced as possible. If you've built your trader and are dedicated enough to visit four or more times a week, shoot us an application. We'd love to chat you up a bit and see if you're a good fit for our little group. We're not too...