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Recent content by Vonnah

  1. Answered 1x1 buildings

    Ok, thank you very much. I just wasn't sure if there was a way to see how much in total benefits you were getting, when putting in more than one. It doesn't seem to show that anywhere. I checked my culture building with the hover tip, that has the Ensorcelled Endowment applied, but it wasn't...
  2. Answered 1x1 buildings

    Not really any one in particular. The example I have right now is the 1x1 Glittering Baubles for example: If I click on my 1x1 Glittering Bauble, it tells what it is doing for my city: Expires In 35 days... Culture 360, "Ensorcelled Endowment" is increased by +0.75%. I have several of them, if I...
  3. Answered 1x1 buildings

    Was wondering about the 1x1 buildings that you get in some events. They add culture and sometime special effects as well. My question is this, do they stack? I know the culture does but what about the special effects? If I have 5 of them does it make sense to put them all in my city at one time...