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Recent content by Wesley

  1. dwarven armorer

    can there be any other way to obtain the Dwarven armorer's other than the spire? i haven't received a DA in 3 spires. too bad there isn't one available to be made like we make boosters
  2. Battle change

    i also noticed this change although i made to the final boss in the spire it was much harder and i lost a lot of troops. also the rewards are almost worthless now. we used to be able to get 2 or 3 Dwarven armories now for the last 2 weeks ...nothing. i have been unable to find them anyplace...
  3. pet feeding

    is pet feeding stack-able ? especially the fire pheonix
  4. troops won in "rise of the Phoenix"

    i have won several troops units when i spend my diamonds. i look in my "instant" tab they are not there. i have won several troop units , at least 6, and nothing. are they some place new or are they not being credited to the instants tab?
  5. spire of eternity

    is it possible to have the spire of eternity spawn only once a week instedad of twice. i need to rebuild resources and i barley have time for that. i know some player fight and win with troops i can't do that after the 1st level. please consider once a week