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Recent content by yoBARBZ

  1. yoBARBZ

    Libraries vs. Torch Fountains

    Thank you for doing the calculations! I'm going to definitely get rid of the 6 and see how the torch fountain additions work out for me. Since my houses are also being upgraded to 4x4, thing might work out really well overall.
  2. yoBARBZ

    Libraries vs. Torch Fountains

    Thanks! No, I wouldn't teleport them. I believe they only cost coins and supplies, so they aren't hard for me to replace.
  3. yoBARBZ

    Libraries vs. Torch Fountains

    Yes, I do have lots of spell fragments. I have the moonstone library set but haven't placed it yet as I think I'm missing a piece. Are their other library sets? How would keeping smaller pieces work? I thought sets worked best together? I have two other sets that I've placed - pilgrim's manor...
  4. yoBARBZ

    Libraries vs. Torch Fountains

    Thanks for the calculations suggestion. I'll try to figure that out.
  5. yoBARBZ

    Libraries vs. Torch Fountains

    Thanks for the calculations suggestions. I'll also focus on upgrading my dragon abbey.
  6. yoBARBZ

    Looking to make it the 10th chest in tournaments.

    Hello, I am looking for a fellowship that reaches the tenth chest in the tournament on a consistent basis. My rank is 2,932 and I have 270,132 points. I am in the Amuni chapter. My boosts are marble, silk, and gems. I am active in tournaments and often active in the spire. I am less active in...
  7. yoBARBZ

    Libraries vs. Torch Fountains

    Hello, I currently have 14 arcane libraries and I am considering replacing 6 of them with 3 torch fountains. However, I am worried about loss in mana production. I also have dragon abby level 6, maze level 1, and numerous event buildings that produce mana (about 39,000 daily in mana). I am in...
  8. yoBARBZ

    elemental manufactory

    Hello, so I used magical manufacturing on my sentient S1 manufactory and I didn't see a boost in goods. I'm confused. Any advice?
  9. yoBARBZ

    Vallorian Valor & Grounds of the Orc Strategist

    I need three more runes for Bulwark. Thanks, I'm going to focus on getting the queue time up. I always thought that having a high queue time was a bad thing.
  10. yoBARBZ

    Vallorian Valor & Grounds of the Orc Strategist

    Yes, the queue lasts almost five hours. Thanks for the suggestion about deleting the VV. I'm going to do that and I'll upgrade my armories until I run out of sufficient population. What do you think I should do next, and the Martial Monastery AW or upgrade the barracks? I don't have access to...
  11. yoBARBZ

    Vallorian Valor & Grounds of the Orc Strategist

    Thanks for explaining! So, I had one of those buildings, or something similar that I won in an event, a long time ago and deleted it...::emoji face slap:: I didn't see the point of having a building for only five days, but I also wasn't doing the tournaments or spire. Now that I am they would...
  12. yoBARBZ

    Vallorian Valor & Grounds of the Orc Strategist

    What is ELP, UUU, and MMM?
  13. yoBARBZ

    Vallorian Valor & Grounds of the Orc Strategist

    I keep seeing mention of the troop boost. It seems my issue is that I need multiples, not just the one.
  14. yoBARBZ

    Vallorian Valor & Grounds of the Orc Strategist

    Wow that's a lot! Yes, space is always an issue in this game lol. I get it, I wouldn't get rid of anything that I invested a lot in either.
  15. yoBARBZ

    Vallorian Valor & Grounds of the Orc Strategist

    Thank you! I will stay on the lookout for VV and GOS and plan to get multiple of each.