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Recent content by YuriKaa

  1. YuriKaa

    Stuck in the Misty Forest

    Without a screen shot, it might be hard for us to understand the problem. EDIT: The game just kicked me off, so I wonder if there was a bug they are resolving. I'm trying to figure out how to reduce the file size of my screen shot. Aaargh! I'd much rather play the game than try and figure...
  2. YuriKaa

    Stuck in the Misty Forest

    Sure! :-)
  3. YuriKaa

    Stuck in the Misty Forest

    Looks like I placed a candle in the wrong spot! Does this mean I can't do anything else for the whole event? Oh, and I can't attach the screenshot... The candle is in the one open spot in row 2. Now blocking access to all else. What do I do? Please help!