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    Your Elvenar Team

"...everybody look. what's going down?"

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The only thing I can think of that will hit them in the ONLY place they care about is a sudden complete all-player cessation of spending money on this game. If we all suddenly stopped buying diamonds and clicking their stupid made-in China (made in CHINA!) ads for junk stuff.

This is what I thought would happen after I saw all the feedback on discord about people are so upset and are not spending anymore money ever on the game. Well.... that didn't last very long at all as I see some angry people broke down and spent already and fell for the trap and the plan within 24 hours. (Sale on live today for guess what....) We would really need players to commit to really actually not spend as this only enables the plan most of us hate despise. How do we do this? Players would have to be willing to pause progress on their AWs and not break down and buy those CCs, RRs, BPs. Easier said than done.


Well-Known Member
This is what I thought would happen after I saw all the feedback on discord about people are so upset and are not spending anymore money ever on the game. Well.... that didn't last very long at all as I see some angry people broke down and spent already and fell for the trap and the plan within 24 hours. (Sale on live today for guess what....)
Diamonds can be earned through game play. So the sale doesn't necessarily mean anyone spent any real world money.


Co-Community Manager
Elvenar Team

We are sorry you feel that way due to the recent changes being deployed. We can assure you that we are promoting the negative comments to developers/the company.

Thank you for your support and comments.


Active Member
One tiny fly in the ointment - tournament will drop hard for those without a high level Time Warp.....


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Thank you Elovios for your words and your forbearance.

Did you know? On EN Forum this post would have locked and the OP would have lost Forum points.

This is because it is inciting other players to breach our Game Rules and/or Terms and Conditions.
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