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Search results

  1. defiantoneks

    Feedback Chapter 21 - The Vallorian Legend

    i'm assuming that we sell all of the ch 21 buildings, our prosperity turns back to 0, then ch 22 buildings will produce their own supply of prosperity. we don't seem to need it for anything other than the guest setup. right?
  2. defiantoneks

    Chat Bar

    maybe they're just not a chatty group. what world and FS are you talking about? maybe with that we could locate you and see what may be afoot.
  3. defiantoneks

    Chat Bar

    are you sure there are people in the game when you send a message? the in-game chat doesn't show you who is online, unless they make a comment.
  4. defiantoneks

    Discussion- A Gateway into the Past

    maybe the Devs CAN read a calendar and they place this quest as a challenge. Plan ahead, practice diversity in your approach. Exercise patience. Not everything is meant to be a simple click and done.
  5. defiantoneks

    Discussion- A Gateway into the Past

    you have a full day to finish it. just because a quest opens doesn't mean you HAVE to finish it RIGHT NOW. larger cities will have spire tomorrow, and plenty of time boosts to finish in one day if they so desire. they may also elect to use some province encounters that have been saved (as large...
  6. defiantoneks

    Feedback Official Elvenar Discord server

    maybe i dont see the point at all. you complained why go to a 3rd party. wiki is Inno. so why indeed go to a 3rd part when you have wiki available. the only missing part there is user ability to contribute. they already moderate HERE to allow those special contributors, so why not add the...
  7. defiantoneks

    Feedback Official Elvenar Discord server

    why not just open up a "guest user" section in the wiki? the info everyone wants stored really goes there anyway. just need a method for non-devs to create pages on it.
  8. defiantoneks

    Where art thou, Gingerbread?

    yay. another evolving building i have to craft so i never see it again. (congrats to those of you who want this one!)
  9. defiantoneks

    Feedback Official Elvenar Discord server

    i suspect this is what they're referring to, as Enevhar indicated. what used to say Forum and Wiki, now says Forum and Discord, which is also wrong
  10. defiantoneks

    Feedback Official Elvenar Discord server

    one of the major things i hate about the discord setup is that you asked what language, and not what servers. you've mixed up all the EN stuff with US, so I have to sift through to see what's applicable to me.
  11. defiantoneks

    Where did my in game forum link go?

    we all get lost trying to search discord. that's why it sucks for this type of content.
  12. defiantoneks

    Magic Academy offerings

    well it hasnt reduced the travelling merchant or the danged unicorns. :(
  13. defiantoneks

    Magic Academy offerings

    so, did they nerf the Festival Merchant?
  14. defiantoneks

    How to see exact # of diamonds?

    opened a game ticket and got a "we are aware and development team is working" sort of response. idk if that means it will be fixed anytime soon, but there it is.
  15. defiantoneks

    How to see exact # of diamonds?

    back to the topic: i think maybe i will file this as a bug. what do you think @Astram ?
  16. defiantoneks

    How to see exact # of diamonds?

    the annoying thing is, there's enough room in the space to have it display the full amount until you go over 99,999
  17. defiantoneks

    How to see exact # of diamonds?

    especially when you can win small amounts (less than 100) I wanna follow and make sure everything's getting added (or spent) accurately.
  18. defiantoneks

    How to see exact # of diamonds?

    i noticed this just a little bit ago, and also would like to know. surely they realize those 99 or so diamonds are important to us.
  19. defiantoneks

    Other KP & Fixes to speed up aspects of the game

    My honest (if brutal) response is: no "fixes" are needed. How much time players allot to the game is purely their choice. Especially if they elect to play multiple worlds. Mostly, why would Inno make it easy for you to spend less time in the game? That's outside of their best interest. They...
  20. defiantoneks

    Silly question

    having that sort of stockpile can allow you to stash production buildings for a lengthy amount of time, and focus on guests or creating a military stockpile as well.