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Search results

  1. Arcane Ink

  2. Arcane Ink

    What is the best way to accumalate lots of Arcane Ink?
  3. The Constructs!

    Interesting. So are there other ways of acquiring portal profits besides crafting in the Magic Academy and as rewards from the Spire of Eternity?
  4. sorcerers & dragons

    OK. Thank you.
  5. sorcerers & dragons

    What is the purpose of Alchemy Seminars in the Alchemy Faculty?
  6. Portal Profits

    Evolving buildings, isn't that when buildings change what they produce as you advance to different chapters? Anyway, thanks for the info.
  7. Portal Profits

    What are some of the best buildings to use for portal profit production?
  8. grounds of the orc strategist doesn't produce

    I solved it Enevhar, I moved my GOOS and now I can see my orc strategist increase in number. Thanks.
  9. grounds of the orc strategist doesn't produce

    yes, it's on a street connected to the main hall.
  10. grounds of the orc strategist doesn't produce

    grounds of the orc strategist doesn't produce. What could be wrong?
  11. Orcs & Goblins 2

    Thanks. So the resources stored in the portal are lost?
  12. Orcs & Goblins 2

    Si I'm in the Orcs & Goblins chapter and I was wondering: can I now sell my dwarven portal & fairy portal without regrets?
  13. Orcs & Goblins Chapter

    Ok. Thank you all for the info.
  14. Orcs & Goblins Chapter

    In the orcs & goblins chapter, what is the purpose of the loot resource? I can't find any use for it.