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  1. lauren1957

    Feedback Ads Feedback thread

    I have been informed by friends that on some mobile devices, the ads do indeed last 30 seconds. Those I have asked who play on a desktop/laptop have to endure only 4-to-8 seconds. I wouldn't know because INNO REFUSES TO GIVE ME THE HOBBY LOBBY. Thus, I am buying no diamonds, not progressing in...
  2. lauren1957

    Is an end game city better going to full negotiating in tournaments instead of fighting??? What do you think?

    The cost of negotiating is too high once mana enters the picture and yes, once you get into the higher chapters. I fight spire and cater the world map.
  3. lauren1957

    Way too much time between Spire "platforms" -

    Unless you do only one-to-two platforms a day, you end up going severely minus in 5-hour boosts (as well as the 2-hour ones) overall in each week's spire. For players with Timewarp, spending extra pet food to feed the Phoenix in order for Spire to remain at it's snail's pace is nothing but...
  4. lauren1957

    Feedback Ads Feedback thread

    I suppose anything is possible in Inno land. Make them go away? Why? If you keep Adblocker on, you have little chance of any security threat and you can just ignore the little man on the builder's shoulder, just like I ignore Melissa who sits atop my Magic Academy.
  5. lauren1957

    Feedback Ads Feedback thread

    No. I am in the experimental group. Not a control group, and not a test group. Thus, if you are correct, the rollout was totally random (Inno did not use either of the words control or test in their communication to me). I want to know the basis for selection into what is referred to as the...
  6. lauren1957

    Feedback Ads Feedback thread

    No! I was told specifically by an Inno support person that I was in the experimental group. Maybe s/he was confused; else it is indeed bass-ackwards.
  7. lauren1957

    Feedback Ads Feedback thread

    You don't HAVE to watch the ads ;-)
  8. lauren1957

    Feedback Ads Feedback thread

    I'll take your builder's hut off your hands. Yup, two builders to upgrade 10 buildings at a time. Not so bad, given the 6 or 9 squares the builder takes.
  9. lauren1957

    Feedback Ads Feedback thread

    You don't have to view the ads. Just keep an ad blocker active. But since the treasures sometimes contain diamonds...
  10. lauren1957

    Feedback Ads Feedback thread

    I have received messages from Inno support indicating that I do not have the hobby lobby because I am in an 'experimental' group. Typically, the 'experimental group' receives new features. The way Inno does it is backwards. I think it inappropriate that Inno has created an unlevel playing...
  11. lauren1957

    News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    And just where do we find out the size/orientation of the buildings we need to upgrade for the first few quests? "They" gave iDavis permission to post the quests, but they are not so worthwhile without building sizes. And no, chapter 21 building sizes are not yet integrated into Elvenstats.
  12. lauren1957

    Suggestions for improving this forum.

    me too - and that one shouldn't be that hard to redo - it's relatively easy math/algorithms, but does require coding knowledge which I do not possess :-(
  13. lauren1957

    Suggestions for improving this forum.

    With so many forms of online entertainment, gaming companies need to do something to lure folks to their site(s), and KEEP them playing. Games that provide a lot of information to help folks along will prevail over those that do not. For Elvenar, we used to have Gems of Knowledge. That site...
  14. lauren1957

    Penalizing Noncombatant Players

    It is worse than that! My 'friend' finished chapter 20 yet because she chose to use PPs instead of wasting time building the last set of ensembles, she is penalized in cauldron. She did every single tech, but the system seems to go by questline. This needs to be changed, pronto!
  15. lauren1957

    Dirth of DAs and MA troop boosters

    For literally 9 weeks I have climbed the spire and received no DA. For (ever since Inno changed the algorithm) troop boosters for fighting are scarce as hen's teeth. This does not endear me to continue game play. I would like other users to like this post and petition for algorithm changes...
  16. lauren1957

    Poaching of players should be banned

    Well, it has happened. We can no longer donate KP to anyone who is not in our FS. Nor can we navigate to another FS. Is this a bug, or permanent? Click where you used to in order to do this. Now all you get is redundant information and some that should be where it used to be (referencing...
  17. lauren1957

    Separate notifications of visits from notifications of trades

    Slow, cumbersome process. Inno should do better.
  18. lauren1957

    Gems of Knowledge

    The person who once contributed most to Gems quit. The site will never again be updated as it used to be. Incomplete Inno-generated content goes to Wiki. There is actually a FB group that tells more than the Wiki, done by an individual, and it is more helpful.
  19. lauren1957

    chapter 19 event quests

    Really they don't have to be connected to portal? Any of them? Someone in my friend's FS said they ALL have to touch the portal and the breeders have to be connected by roads!