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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. Recruiting JusticeSQ needs a new player

    We are looking for a new member to complete our roster. Active player who is looking for a 10 chest FS that has pretty steady players and participates in tournament, spire and FA will find a new home with us. We look out for each other and help where help is needed. Though there are no...
  2. Recruiting JusticeSQ is looking for a new member

    Looking again for one new member to complete our team!
  3. Recruiting JusticeSQ is looking for a new member

    We are looking for a new member to complete our roster. Active player who is looking for a 10 chest FS that has pretty steady players and participates in tournament, spire and FA will find a new home with us. We look out for each other and help where help is needed. If this sounds like you...
  4. JusticeSQ has an opening

    JusticeSQ is looking to fill two spots. We are a 10 chest FS, and looking for players who also participate in FA and spire, but there are no requirements. And we are a fun group who looks out for each other! Come and check us out! Contact meira or singura if you like to join or have questions.
  5. Forwarded Sets

    Thank you for your kind and encouraging words!
  6. Thank you for all the invitations

    Ashen Pheonix would also be interested in welcoming you! 12 chests and gold spire most weeks. We are a very friendly FS with incredible support for each other, and indefinite knowledge from our AM! Hope to see you soon.
  7. Forwarded Sets

    No, I do not think my idea is perfect, but I am not a game developer, and I have no idea what is doable, and what not, so I don’t know how to phrase it any differently. And this is my first time making a suggestion, so excuse my inadequate process. And maybe you can give someone some slack next...
  8. Forwarded Sets

    Thank you for your encouragement. I will see, how I need to phrase my idea, so all aspects are considered.
  9. Forwarded Sets

    Goodness. I guess, I won’t ever make a suggestion again here. It seems my play style is not advanced enough. why would you ever want to unfuse it, or upgrade it seperately?
  10. Forwarded Sets

    To be able to link all buildings in a complete set to one building. This way when rearranging your city one does not loose, forget, or have to search for all parts of the set. The buildings can be linked for moving purposes, but can be unlinked once placed. This way, each single building can be...
  11. New tech tree player looking for FS

    She already joined another FS
  12. New members needed!

    A Galaxy far far away cleaned house, and is now looking for up to 6 new players! We are close to getting 10 chest every week, but just missing the input of a few more participants. Willingness to take part in the tournaments is the only thing we are really asking for. Spire and FA as you like...
  13. #8 Fellowship Seeks Established Member

    Thanks, but I am not the candidate you’re looking for.
  14. #8 Fellowship Seeks Established Member

    what is a decent ranking???
  15. New members needed!

    We are still looking for members! Hope you will check us out.
  16. Looking for a fun group

    Hi Iamaita, if you haven’t made a decision yet, check out the Tempest Jewel FS. We are a a fun bunch, and looking for one more player to complete our team. Please let me know when you are interested. We would love to have you! Singura
  17. Tempest Jewel recruiting

    Our FS is looking for new members to complete our team. We are an active group, that gets 10 chest in the tourney regularly. Our new members should be interested in participating in all FS activities according to their growth. Beginners are absolutely welcome! We help you grow, and support you...
  18. Daily long time player seeking new FS

    Look up Tempest Jewel. We would love to have you
  19. Hello i need help please anyone....

    Best you join a FS. They are all there to help and answer any questions you will have at any point! They also help you grow your city!
  20. New members needed!

    The FS “A Galaxy far, far away” is looking for new members who like to play regularly, and enjoy participating in tournaments and the spire. We are a very friendly, no drama group, and we are getting between 9 and 10 chests in tournaments. We help each other grow, and will help smaller players...