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  1. Fayeanne

    Does anyone like the AW cost changes????

    One problem is the game throws quests like this at you: Apologies to my neighbors! :eek:
  2. Fayeanne

    Does anyone like the AW cost changes????

    Amusingly, I'm also finding I have nothing to use broken shards on (the small brown ones). I used to use them in place of rune shards to fill out rune wheels, but now all of my rune wheels are filled and I can't upgrade past the rune level so the only thing I can spend the broken shards on...
  3. Fayeanne

    Feedback Autumn Zodiac

    Especially appropriate for today since I was having connection difficulties so I'd click on a key to collect it and...nothing would happen. Those fairies and gnomes must have been losing my keys!
  4. Fayeanne

    User Interface Additional confirmation for using Royal Restorations and Artifacts in Magic Academy

    Even after telling myself to be careful about accidentally spending RRs, I did spend Artifacts by accident in one city due to using the app version (I'm used to the browser version) so I saw blue-ish icon and just assumed it was CCs like normal. I didn't notice until I went to collect and...
  5. Fayeanne

    Quest changes?

    I've been noticing this as well. Some quests are now even granting Royal Restorations! Although I've been finding some of the new quests I'm seeing to be somewhat questionable, then there are ones like this: I didn't take a screen shot of the previous version but I'm pretty sure this is...
  6. Fayeanne

    Feedback Future of our forum

    The main benefit of the forums is you can read them without being logged in (or even having an account). You have to log in to post, but there are a lot of lurkers. I'd be interested in seeing what people are saying over on Elvenar's Discord but can't be bothered to create an email address and...
  7. Fayeanne

    Feedback Future of our forum

    Yes! That's what I was referring to. It seems like it would be reasonably easy to modify, unlike the other button which requires new artwork and layout and etc.
  8. Fayeanne

    Feedback Future of our forum

    I happened to notice that if I right-click on the game in the browser version, the popup menu has links to Discord and Facebook. Maybe add the Forums there? I don't know how many people would find it though.
  9. Fayeanne

    Nah, don't feel like it today

    For people who aren't in Fellowships that get Blueprints, buying the Blueprint outright here is cheaper than substituting Diamonds for it elsewhere. Outside of that...
  10. Fayeanne

    New Quests for Spire

    It's 3 encounters on the second stage, and always asks for the second stage even if you haven't yet even done the first stage. I'm not sure what happens if you already did the entire Spire before the quest appeared? Maybe it will wait until the next Spire opens? (I agree it could be clearer...
  11. Fayeanne

    Researching Advanced Scouts

    I think this is what's important. If you're not having fun, what is the point of playing?
  12. Fayeanne

    Spire Changes - Aug 2024

    I'm curious to see what each chest actually offers. Does anyone have a before/after list of each chest, each Fellowship rewards milestone, and the random bonus chests?
  13. Fayeanne

    Non-declinable Quests

    Ah, noted. However, I never know definitively whether a quest can be declined or not because I always do all quests before leaving the chapter.
  14. Fayeanne

    Researching Advanced Scouts

    Note that you can't trade Sentient Goods until you upgrade the Trader which I believe requires advancing far enough into the chapter in question to get the necessary Technology.
  15. Fayeanne

    News from Discord - May Contain Info!

    Well, the Spire changes are going Live. Did they make any adjustments at all?
  16. Fayeanne

    Researching Advanced Scouts

    Ah, good point. I forgot about Squad Size specifically affecting things.
  17. Fayeanne

    Researching Advanced Scouts

    You're right, and I apologize for the confusing wording. What I meant was that certain chapters feature unlocking a certain Sentient Good, so as far as I know, once you are officially "in" that chapter (by researching Advanced Scouts), the game considers you able to make that good even though...
  18. Fayeanne

    Non-declinable Quests

    Of what, specifically? Quests that can't be declined, or quests that require you to level things like the Barracks?
  19. Fayeanne

    Researching Advanced Scouts

    If you advance to a new chapter in the middle of an event, I wonder if the event quests change or if the list is "locked in" when the event starts? I just advanced one of my cities to a new chapter but I can't really tell whether the event quests have adjusted to the new chapter. (Unfortunately...
  20. Fayeanne

    Researching Advanced Scouts

    Isn't this the other way around? Once you complete Advanced Scouts for a chapter that unlocks a particular Sentient Good, those Sentient Goods will start being a requirement for things like event quests, with the only exception being they won't be needed yet in the Spire.