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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. Purple Death77

    News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    Uck, every year this game gets worse instead of better. Not sure how much longer I can call this a game that I love to play. The more they take away and I start to realize it's not even fun anymore.
  2. Purple Death77

    Secrets of Alchemy 2023 Discussion Thread

    I'm very disappointed seeing other players received 100 scrolls in their email. Many including me from our Fellowship did not receive any. This is very unfair.
  3. Purple Death77

    Simplify this please

    One thing you missed, this button is not mandatory. Feel free to continue helping each individual player as you wish.
  4. Purple Death77

    Squad Size

    Thank you very much, this was very helpful. I must have read an old post when I started learning the game. Very glad to know squad size doesn't effect catering cities negatively. :D
  5. Purple Death77

    Squad Size

    Hi, can someone help me understand how Squad Size effects a Production based city. I thought being a Production city meant we didn't want to learn those optional Squad Sizes in the Research Tree. I know it can be nice for a military city, but doesn't it make it worse for Negotiating? I'm...
  6. Purple Death77

    Simplify this please

    Understand that I love people, but somethings annoy me and there isn't enough time or coffee in this world to answer everyone's questions that they could conclude for themselves. Please don't take this as rude or hating, and please don't ask next for me to make the formula and code for this...
  7. Purple Death77

    Simplify this please

    -What do you do when your shoe is on the wrong foot? -What happens if you drop something on the floor? -Where do you go when you get done with something? -If something happens later what will you do now? These are all questions left to be answered by the one in charge of their life/game. This...
  8. Purple Death77

    Simplify this please

    Please allow us to go about our day without extra carpal tunnel. Thank you. Understand that I love people, but somethings annoy me and there isn't enough time or coffee in this world to answer everyones questions that they could conclude for themselves. Please don't take this as rude or...
  9. Purple Death77

    News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    There's only 2 things in Elvenar that push me to leaving. The 1,000+ clicks just to do Neighborly help every day, and Fellowship Adventures. FA is a bad word that I cough deep from the back of my throat.... :eek:
  10. Purple Death77

    Considering Spire Completion "Giant 'Ta-Da'"

    My first time hitting the top I really thought I'd see fireworks or something. The whole way through every chest would say "Awesome", even if it wasn't. :rolleyes: Then I hit the top and......nothing..... So I agree, ta da or something would be nice. :D
  11. Purple Death77

    Mischievous Therapy - Discussion

    The big attraction for me was saving all my points and spending them on Rune Shards. Got 40+ for the Timewarp AW. Woo hoo! I would rather go for buildings, but stocked up on 10 Training Dojo last event. :D I really liked this style of event.
  12. Purple Death77

    When the game becomes a job, it's no longer fun

    I love Elvenar, however the worst part of every day of my life is giving neighborly help to my 5 cities. o_O The tourneys I auto fight because there isn't enough time in the day.
  13. Purple Death77

    Convent voting HERE ends 11/01 at midnight Eastern

    41, 39, 2, 16, 24
  14. Purple Death77

    Mischievous Therapy - Discussion

    Only 5 is needed.
  15. Purple Death77

    Purple Hearts seeking member

    Greetings! We are a powerful team of warriors seeking 1 steel producing member. We are a friendly group, and reach 10th chest every week. If you are interested and wish to be part of a great team, contact us! We are Purple Hearts.