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  1. skip quests in ch 20

    The only way to do this is to place a huge number of Culture Buildings, which I don't intend to do. I'll have to give up the quests and wait for ch 21 but, I repeat, it's not right. Once the tech tree is finished they should make the quests declinable even before entering ch 21.
  2. skip quests in ch 20

    I contacted support again asking if it can be a bug, we will see what they reply, Thanks again for your help.
  3. skip quests in ch 20

    The quest is the one pictured above: "Reach Culture Bonus level 3". On the idavis site, the quest list says: "28 Reach Culture Bonus of 150 %" and right now I have 180 %. It may be a bug or I don't know how many culture buildings I should put.
  4. skip quests in ch 20

    I agree with you, I'll have to use 18 teleports and wait with the race buildings in stock. However, after the effort of finishing a chapter it's not fair to have to get stuck on some quests. I had already contacted support and they just said that the non-skippable quests must be completed and...
  5. skip quests in ch 20

    Hi everyone, I've finished all the technologies of ch 20 and I'm stuck with a quest that I can't complete and can't skip. Before clearing all the race buildings for the FA I would like to finish the chapter quests. At the end of the previous chapters all quests became skippable, why doesn't it...
  6. Hide the buildings option on PC

    I play only on PC and I agree 100%. It's a mess to move 1X1 buildings and streets and when selling buildings I often select the wrong one.
  7. Draggable pop-up windows

    I started playing this game because the graphics are of a high standard. I use google chrome on PC with 100% resolution just to enjoy the artistic work of the graphics. Now, on the Superior Trader, in the tab where offers are accepted, there are drop-down menus to select the products and not...