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    Your Elvenar Team

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  1. Rocce Sqirl


    I do do events. And the Temple of Sun and Moon is that "one building" I found. It'd be nice if Orc Nests (or any Orc-producing buildings) was in the culture buildings. I'll watch for them in the MA. And Darielle is telling me it's only going to get worse! I'm in Ch. 16 now. :D Thanks, both of you.
  2. Rocce Sqirl


    ORCS! Seems everything I need to do requires Orcs now. Need Orcs to upgrade workshops. Need Orcs to make beer. Need Orcs to make two of the troops in Training Grounds. Need Orcs to upgrade all my troops buildings. Need Orcs to negotiate encounters. Sometimes just to convince a ghost in the...
  3. Rocce Sqirl

    FA Ghosts on the weekend.

    Samido, that is really good information. And the best argument I've seen. Thank you.
  4. Rocce Sqirl

    FA Ghosts on the weekend.

    I did not know that, and yes I did. That explains that. Thank you. Doesn't change my argument that it is just stupid to require the impossible. Maybe we should ditch Ghosts and bring back Bakers. Or something that can be done every day during the FA.
  5. Rocce Sqirl

    FA Ghosts on the weekend.

    Normally to make a set of five troops in the three military installations takes about three hours. During the FA it takes a shade over one hour.
  6. Rocce Sqirl

    FA Ghosts on the weekend.

    Oh, I thoroughly agree. I went deep in both tourney and spire this time round. That doesn't change the idiocy of requiring the impossible. And if Inno will make getting Guards easier (it was possible originally, they just made it easier; one wonders why?), then why not make another badge at...
  7. Rocce Sqirl

    FA Ghosts on the weekend.

    This seems silly to the max. To make a Ghost in a Bottle requires solving four Spire and/or Tournament Encounters. It is Saturday evening as I write this. the Spire ended Yesterday (Friday) and won't resume until late Sunday. The Tournament ended this afternoon and we won't see it again until...
  8. Rocce Sqirl

    Away Feature

    First of all, there's no One Right Way to achieve the suggestion. My way will work. Enevhar's would work. AJ's would work. We're really just making a variety of suggestions of how to do the same thing, create an "Away" feature. It's also a fact Inno does not delete some "inactive" cities...
  9. Rocce Sqirl

    Away Feature

    Philosophically, I absolutely agree with you. Thing is Inno doesn't get rid of those cities anyway. They just sit there. For-freekin'-ever. There is a player named Gallivant The Great. He was two rows below me when I first signed on in 2017. In all that time from then to now, he NEVER played on...
  10. Rocce Sqirl

    Away Feature

    I'm sorry, but I must disagree with the latest posts. I see no reason "Away" has to be an emergency. Parallels are made with taking care of business before a planned vacation -- assuring care for the pets, turning off the HVAC, cancelling appointments, etc. Thing is, decaying items are not...
  11. Rocce Sqirl

    Away Feature

    If a vote option was posted I'd vote for it. As I suggested before, keep it simple. A basic off/on option ("Away," "Return"), 7-day minimum and a 365-day maximum. You can't "return" before 7 days (if you're back earlier you must wait it out, that's the "penalty" for using "Away" which also...
  12. Rocce Sqirl

    Deleting individual messages

    I am on a desktop PC, using a browser. My messages look like the bottom picture on OIM20's reply. If I had trashcans it might not be a problem. Trouble is, I'm done with the messges and go for an X, and click the first one I see -- the wrong one. Most other deletions in the game have an "Are you...
  13. Rocce Sqirl

    Away Feature

    People take vacations, most commonly two weeks, sometimes just one, sometimes longer, maybe months. Maybe all summer. Or winter. People get sick. I went to the ER with a "funny feeling" in my chest and came home home three weeks later after a double bypass. People have jobs that send them...
  14. Rocce Sqirl

    Option to DISABLE all non-boosted goods in manufactories

    If you realize it when you do it, you can always stop the production and click the one you meant. I do that sometimes. So what? So I have a few more marbles or elixirs. BFD. But sometimes I think I've clicked the box to make ALL the factories (or whatever) make the goods and return hours later...
  15. Rocce Sqirl

    Deleting individual messages

    Each message has an X-box in the upper-right corner to delete that one message thread, in addition to the X-box in the upper-ight corner of the entire Messages box. And every now and then I click the X on the message I just read when I meant to click off the whole section. And then the thread is...
  16. Rocce Sqirl

    Moving Day

    The email from Inno: “Your city has been moved to better position on the World Map. Your World Map progress is not affected by this. You now have new active neighbors and more active trading partners.” Okay, Inno, define “better.” Losing 60% of my best partners because THEY were moved is not...
  17. Rocce Sqirl

    Complete 1 Boosted Manufactory upgrade to level 11 or higher

    So I upgraded my Bismuth manufactory (which is also a Gems manufactory) to Level 26. Bismuth is my boosted T3 sentient good. Why don't I get credit for completing the quest? :( I don't need to upgrade the basic goods factories. I've got millions of those goods. Literally millions. I need to...
  18. Rocce Sqirl

    Bad planning for daily quests in Events

    The "entire event" is not, and never has been, the issue. During the sequential quests it may be Friday when you come upon "do X tournament encounters" and Sunday when I do. That's not a fault of the Event. The fault is when a DAILY quest says "do X tournament encounters" and the day it comes up...
  19. Rocce Sqirl

    Bad planning for daily quests in Events

    Hell, yeah, Helya! When will the Inno gnomes learn to read a calendar! Aritra asks, "Other than quests 64 and 66, when has this been a problem [in the current event]" -- Uh, yeah, it's in quests 64 amd 66. The DAILY quests. And it has been a problem for at least the past five or six...
  20. Rocce Sqirl

    Bad planning for daily quests in Events

    I don't consider information about Adventures or Events posted on Gems of Elvenar to be a "cheatsheet" any more than information on suggested setups for a Chapter Settlement or what troops to gather for a Tournament is a cheatsheet. It's open information available to anyone who cares to look, as...