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    Your Elvenar Team

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  1. ekarat

    Been gone so long, so many changes

    This is a topic I've always been curious about -- why the emphasis on CCs? I have much harder time getting fragments than CCs. Since coming back, I've sold off half of my spells and most of my tomes. So, why CCs and not fragments? (Technically, I asked this question 3 years ago, and at the...
  2. ekarat

    Been gone so long, so many changes

    I also came back recently after a break (and started the thread mentioned above). One thing is that having the pet in your inventory or city will prevent it from coming up in the crafting options and thus crowding out the better options. So, there is a point to crafting the pets, even if you...
  3. ekarat

    Do unacquired event buildings crowd out military buildings?

    That's why I'm not getting military buildings -- I don't have the buildings for the recent events and I keep getting them in the crafting.
  4. ekarat

    Do unacquired event buildings crowd out military buildings?

    Do unacquired event buildings crowd out military buildings? I keep getting them instead of military buildings. Often the same event building over and over. Should I craft them and leave them in my inventory so that I get more military buildings?
  5. ekarat

    Which set and evo buildings are worth keeping?

    Which set and evo buildings are worth keeping? Which are better than the new ones coming out?
  6. ekarat

    Returning after a 2.5 year break. I have questions on the current game balance and tips I may have forgotten.

    Here is a plan of my city with space for the buildings and upgrades for the new chapter. Some excess buildings are below the map. Some of those will fill in the small 1-width or 1-height spaces. The rest can go away? Unless some of the stuff I'm keeping is better than the stuff I'm throwing...
  7. ekarat

    Returning after a 2.5 year break. I have questions on the current game balance and tips I may have forgotten.

    I have most of the evolving buildings (minus a few bears) and most sets from before 2.5 years ago -- missing a few. I'm keeping AWs. I'm definitely keeping fire phoenix and brown bear -- their abilities are unique and useful for military. Any others really important to keep? And don't I have...
  8. ekarat

    Returning after a 2.5 year break. I have questions on the current game balance and tips I may have forgotten.

    I am returning after a 2.5 year break (I left before the music chapter or the cauldron), and I'm finding I've forgotten some of what I used to know. I have finished one chapter and am just starting a new one. My city is a mess and needs to be reorganized (not surprising post-chapter and...
  9. ekarat

    News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    All of the slot 2's are good, except for the one that awards vitality surges. In the 3rd slot, you want 20% for 2 or 14% for 3 lucky draws. Those are all fairly close in terms of expected outcome, but there's a big gap between those and the rest. That is, they're not all optimal, but they're...
  10. ekarat

    The Crack Guide to Fighting

    I got into a big argument with someone on another thread about this, but it comes down to two facts: 1) I don't have a polar bear. 2) I have real-life constraints that prevent from from reliably seeing all 4 MA cycles/day. I end up with about 2 pet food / week + a little more if I'm lucky. So...
  11. ekarat

    News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    Yeah, I also got 29.8.
  12. ekarat

    News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    I calculated the value of 1 lucky card to be 16.25 coins and 16.8 base, or an equivalent 29.8 base at an exchange rate of 1 coin -> .8 base(*). Anyone else want to chime in and verify which of these calculations is correct? (*) These calculation are with the updated cost mid-way through the...
  13. ekarat

    The Crack Guide to Fighting

    Thank you. You have no idea how frustrated I get with people who don't understand this and think you always want range or that one strategy works for all battles. At the same time, I still think the brown bear is a waste of pet food, since you can compensate by using up more time boosters, and...
  14. ekarat

    Watchful Winter Owl Artifacts

    The only difference between a random grand rotation and a low-probability random daily rotation (ie not everything in the daily rotation is the same probability -- also "daily" is awkward since it's 6 hours, not 24) would be if you never get the artifact you are looking for, then suddenly in the...
  15. ekarat


    I would be more concerned about bloat. The game takes up enough resources already.
  16. ekarat

    News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    Yes, and almost everyone gets that wrong.
  17. ekarat

    News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    No, if enough repeated tries yield the same result, it means I'm doing it better. I do take the opportunity cost of the size of the chest into consideration in my calculations.
  18. ekarat

    News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    I have never fallen short of the 3-chest mechanic. I do optimize which chests and consider the size of the chest, rather than just the best average return on that chest. (A worse average for a smaller chest can be worth it, if you can get one more chest at average return.)
  19. ekarat

    Rune Shard changes

    What we settled on is to create a new 150 KP thread that excludes the last 2 pages of AWs. This is because not everyone has 10+ runes of those, but pretty much everyone has 10+ runes of the others. Smaller threads can be used to fill out the chests and finish them off.
  20. ekarat

    News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    Is it? That's something I've been debating myself, and I can see it either way. I feel that the hidden corners usually have a high likelihood of having stuff in them.