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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. Player Customization of the Help Building Picker

    I would like a player setting per city which would allow me to specify how the Help Building Picker works. I would like to choose between these priorities: 1) Culture -> This is how I believe it works now. The auto-picker picks an un-helped building with the highest culture. 2) Mana -> I...
  2. Wonder Related Improvements

    Random list of wonder improvements or potential future chapter research. 1) Level 36 and up - put in some size / layout change to the wonder as the bonus. Doesn't impact game balance due to bonus limits, but does give a way to improve space efficiency. 2) Add ability to create any rune shard...
  3. KP donation notifications

    This problem goes away in a Wonder Society in which all wonders from all fellowship members are included, and everyone agrees to collect the donation data (or wait for someone else to collect it) before upgrading. I have upgraded the Wonder Society Spreadsheet to make recording faster, easier...
  4. One-touch neighborly help

    For instance, 1 click per "page" of neighbors would be a 9x improvement in lowering carpal tunnel syndrome due to video games.
  5. Contest Entry for Momonar

    Bootleggers produce Orcs Solar Training Grounds produce Orc Warriors Training Grounds can produce Orc Warriors and Orc Strategists
  6. Recruiting 9 members in the fellowship "Faith & Courage" in the world of Arendyll.

    If you don't find the people you are looking for, and would like to join a gold spire fellowship, Avalon in Arendyll has 3 spots open.
  7. Avalon has 2 spots open.

    Once again, we have 2 spots open (although the 2 inactive players have not been dropped yet).
  8. Ancient Wonders?

    Only if your culture bonus is greater than 200%. At 100% culture, a level 20 magical workshop produces 250k base per 9hr production, and 142k base per 3 hr production. Assuming 3 collections per day (2x9 hr, 1 by 3hr), yields 642k absent any POP spells. Pop spell base boost is +200% so without...
  9. One Word Reply Game

  10. Click and Drag interface for level 1 building placement

    Much like you can place multiple footpaths by clicking the starting square, and dragging to the finish square, I would like the same capability to be added for these level 1 buildings: 1) Workshops 2) T1 goods (marble, planks, steel) 3) Houses The implementation would require an open area...
  11. Avalon seeking Spire and Tournament players

    Gold Spire for the last 20+ weeks. 2 spots open :)
  12. Avalon has 2 spots open.

    Looking for Wonder Society KP sharers who also do the spire :) New to a Wonder Society? Come check it out. Fastest and fairest way to share kp! AM: Momonar (who is NOT a morning person!)
  13. Avalon has 2 openings

    Seeking Spire oriented players who are willing to share kp via a Wonder Society. If you don't know anything about the Spire or the Wonder Society, if you are willing to learn, we will accept you too! Gold Spire since 20 something weeks ago. Apply today and receive 10 cents per gallon off your...
  14. Current Squads Display

    100% in favor :)
  15. Dwarven Armorer

    A little more energy into selectable rewards for the tourney chests could do a lot to keep enthusiasm for the tourney as a whole among the whole range of players (beginner, intermediate, advanced, and those players who are done with all the chapter research). I would like to see either...
  16. Standardized Event Buildings(with tiers)

    Looking at this idea and thinking "what is the root cause that Soggy is trying to solve?" I think the root cause is "most of the event buildings I win are crap for me". I tend to agree with that. I play events mostly for the instants or boosts like pet food, troop health revitalizers...
  17. Dwarven Armorer

    While reading all the posts on this, I think it underscores the underlying dissatisfaction that exists with the pillars of Elvenar (city building, production, tournament, spire, events, FA): The rewards are rarely balanced with the effort. Many people above mentioned how fun it was to finally...
  18. Provide a thumbnail of the battlefield on the encounter window.

    Agree with all of the above. I would add that it is equally important to desktop, because a LOT of time is wasted having to scout the battlefield (by sending a squad of rangers, looking, then surrendering).
  19. 4 openings in Tourney & Spire

    Gold spire, 14+ chest tourney, Wonder Society KP exchange. No stress, no mess. Interested? Apply today :) (Tourney & Spire -> AM: Rivkan) -Momonar
  20. Ancient Wonder research full notification

    While they are at it, can they make the donation history to the wonder available to the player (or the fellowship AM). Those of us who run Wonder Societies would really love that feature.