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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. Stars of Valorian

    Who is present archmage? To whom would I speak if decide to try to re-join? Sincerely, Loki-Lantana.
  2. Active players needed! Guardians of Light

    Considering making a change. Boosted in planks,silk,gems,&drowning in elixir. Present fellowship does 5 chests per week. But someday will do 10. I would be thrilled to get 1 blueprint a month.
  3. The Stars of Valorian recruiting

    Loki-Lantana would totally love to join your fellowship. Kind, helpful players are exactly what I need in my game. I'm starting to run into situations where I need guidance.
  4. Seeking players who love the game!

    Loki-Lantana here! Looking to join fellowship. Totally inexperienced. Have struggled to get this far but determination runs strong here. Guess I only got me to offer, but if I'm getting there on my own then surely I'd be advantageous to a group.