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Search results

  1. Fair Trades?

    There is a disturbing trend in the Trader these days. A majority of people are posting seemingly fair trades for 3-tier downward goods. I find this practice to not just be rude and exploitative but insulting. Since lower goods require considerably more time and space, our primary resources...
  2. With the new Fellowship Adventure Starting soon

    With the new Fellowship Adventure Starting this Thursday - Geek Central - rank 36, is seeking active members. We're a relaxed fellowship with 23 active members of all levels that live to help out and cover trades the same day. We can accommodate up to 2 more and welcome a small fellowship...
  3. - Geek Central - is looking for active members.

    - Geek Central - rank 36, is seeking active members. We're a relaxed fellowship with 23 active members of all levels that live to help out and make every effort to cover all trades within a day. We can accommodate up to 3 more and welcome fellowship merger. Please PM: Def Elven, Shero Marlin...