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Search results

  1. Other KP & Fixes to speed up aspects of the game

    Hoping there's help on the way.... At least several times a week, I see fellowship members retiring their city or taking a pause because the game is requiring too much time with RL, especially people who play in multiple worlds. Because of RL and time commitment to play, some are skipping...
  2. Help KP and Fixes to speed up aspects of the game

    Hoping there's help on the way.... At least several times a week, I see fellowship members retiring their city or taking a pause because the game is requiring too much time with RL, especially people who play in multiple worlds. Because of RL and time commitment to play, some are skipping...
  3. Daily Gift / Shopping Not Opening

    For several days not I can't open the Daily Gift / Shopping icon on my phone. What is a solution to this issue?
  4. Spire

    How can I view past Spire rewards?
  5. Neighborly Help

    I would like to make a suggestion related to neighborly help. Would it be possible to have each player select what they would like to receive - coins - culture .... (similar to the heart on AW's) That would allow visiting players to simply swipe their icon to give them what they prefer? I've...