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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. Very disappointed with latest Quest or release - Wintermagic

    I really liked this Event. I got all 9 artifacts. I liked the mechanics. I love the mana from he owl, but I doubt I will feed it often. The mechanics of the game board was interesting. I would have liked to see less of a reliance on relics for quests, and some of the quests were hard for smaller...
  2. Mystery of the Misty Forest Event discussion thread

    I am encouraged by a lot of the discussions which support my premise that this Event actually has the result of discouraging players instead of encouraging them. My FS chat is full of comments like, "I hate this fog." In other Events the comments are usually, "How is everyone doing?" or I just...
  3. Mystery of the Misty Forest Event discussion thread

    This is easily the worst event I have seen. The video does not explain enough, and there is very little choice. It is very difficult to get daily prizes. Many people did not like the May Tree because of the shuffle feature. I finished with 13 artifacts. I have almost no chance to get 9. This...
  4. Cancelled. After reading through it, this thread is irrecoverable.

    I am a new player currently at L4. I have an L4 MA as well. I have had a few times when I was out of fragments. At this point, I am still hoping for more spell fragments. From other games, I have had an opportunity to choose between two items. Perhaps a simple choice would work. One solution...
  5. what game helped prepare you for Elvenar the most?

    I played a lot of Civ, Alpha Centauri, and Master of Orion, but I do not think they were that similar to Elvenar beyond being strategy games. Ikariam comes to mind because of the limited building spots, research, use of goods, trading, alliances, and lots of building, tearing down, upgrading...
  6. The Air Traders Voyage Event Discussion

    I am another person who is not impressed with the 3x3 buildings. They produce things I can get easily through production or neighborly help. I am trying to get two Main Docks. My May Tree produces coins that are boosted by the culture bonus, but supplies were not boosted. The Main Dock produces...
  7. The May Celebration Event Discussion

    I thought I was going to hate the shuffle based on the comments, but I believe I benefited more often than I lost. If there is no shuffle, I have to open all 16 flowers. If I hit the item I want most on try 5, I have a good chance to not have to open 11 more flowers to get a chance at another...
  8. Tourney Rewards

    We did not get ours either. A few minuets ago I was posting about this thread in chat. As I typed, game windows (like research, world map, fellowship page, etc.) kept opening in the background. Hopefully that is not a sign that things are getting worse but that someone is trying to fix things.