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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. Which Building(s) Do You Recommend for Mana and Seeds

    I found prince charming to be good. I got them in ch 9, where the otherwise recommended building is weeping willows. He's got twice the mana output of those. And I imagine he'd carry on being effective later on. Haven't checked though. But in any case, he's a part of the past so probably...
  2. Worth upgrading the Everblossom Sleigh?

    Since it's chapter 1, I would not spend resources on it. Especially since it isn't level 10. I'd rather save the RR for later, to make sure you can always keep good level 10 buildings up to date when you enter new chapters. At one point you will probably have at least 3 if not more buildings...
  3. FA! Is FINALLY over!!! Are you happy or sad?

    Very happy! Our FS did all paths stage 1, one path stage 2 and ended up doing all paths stage 3 and a few rounds in the pit. We had only planned to do one path on stage 3, but suddenly we had way more things than we knew what to do with. Quite the team we got there! Go bagels! But I'm sure glad...
  4. Woodelves alternative strategy

    I'll be leaving the woodelves in 3 days! So just above 4 weeks spent with the lovely tree buildings. Really enjoyed this way of doing it. I added and corrected some numbers in the guide. From the carnival I ended up with 2 aureate willows, 10x prince charmings, 4 dragon floats, 2 chariots of...
  5. Woodelves alternative strategy

    Another good way to get mana production buildings would be through events I imagine? But on the other hand, buildings with population and culture are nice as well. Would one be better off with more residences and less population+culture buildings, and have all their culture be mana producing...
  6. Woodelves alternative strategy

    From what I was able to see from the data on wiki, then it's only mana tears that you have to produce, the other 3 can be profited. Now I just checked the grafting sites as well. It seems all they do is provide materials for the Forest Fabrication to produce the research materials, which can...
  7. Grounds of the orc strategist

    You'll find they give different amounts all throughout. I currently have 6 of each in chapter 8. Previously, my VV produced so many valorian guards that I almost didn't know what to do with them, while I was struggling for orc strategists. Now it's the exact opposite; abundance of orcs and very...
  8. Bagel Band

    Just going to give a little update for whoever might be interested: We're now doing 1 chest above silver in spire every week, and 10 chests +one bonus chest. We also complete every FS adventure and have an active chat with helpful people, a great wonder society and a lot of trading.
  9. Woodelves alternative strategy

    I'm about to head into Woodelves, and a few fellowship members told me about a way to do the chapter, which would save me time, resources and kp, at the cost of 345% portal profits. I couldn't find anything about this (maybe I'm just bad at researching), so I decided to run the numbers myself...
  10. Grounds of the orc strategist

    As Lelanya says, your GoToS might need to be upgraded (or rather, replaced by crafting new ones). The production of your GoToS is fixed to the chapter of the building. Same goes for Valorian Valors. However, as you research squad size, the amount of orcs required per squad will increase...