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Search results

  1. News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    Just what we need. Another icon on an already congested screen and of no benefit to the player. This is an act of greed, pure and simple. There are better ways to monetize things if they aren’t making enough to support the game with their current business model. I play regularly and purchase my...
  2. Chapter 17 Large and small ships

    I used the term "equivalents" because there is a 1:2:4 production and usage ratio between the three materials. Producing 1 Ancient Artifact costs the same as producing 2 Luxurious Luxuries, as producing 4 Delicious Delicacies and you spend them in the same ratio. They balance out to be equivalent.
  3. Chapter 17 Large and small ships

    In Chapter 17 Traders of Unur, I fail to see any advantage to building any of the ships other than the 3 flagships. Looking at the knowledge tree there is an even requirement of 151,000 equivalents of each material type. All that the large and small ships do is allow you to trade one type for...
  4. News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    Is anyone posting notes from the Beta Excavation event?
  5. News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    These Cryomana,Cryoseeds etc, reduce decay by 5%. Does that mean that if my current decay is 7% it drops to 2% (7%-5%) or does it mean it drops to 6.65% (7%-(7%*0.05)?
  6. Fellowship Adventures 2022

    Thanks, that's probably what I will do but I'm only at level 2 on teh Council Hall and just begining to generate statues and such. If what I've built (sculptures, crystal balls and designs), will be there when I rebuild I may sell it. If they disappear I wont
  7. Fellowship Adventures 2022

    Just discovered I can't stow my portal (Council Hall) which I was planning to do for the FA. Anyone know what happens to the contents when you sell it and what will be there when you rebuild it?
  8. Perk Caps

    Thank you, I must have missed it.
  9. Perk Caps

    Are there caps to the number or size of the various Fellowship Perks? Specifically is there a cap on the Knowledge Sharing perk? Somewhere I got the impression it capped at 10 KP but I haven't found anything that says that. Thxs
  10. News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    That's fair. It's an approach I hadn't considered and I do appreciate both the self reward aspect and the waiting to jump levels. May apply it myself. Thank you.
  11. News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    So to get a "stash" you just don't click on the Mystical Object? Doesn't make much sense to me unless you were waiting for odds/choices to improve I guess.
  12. News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    What's a VV stash?
  13. News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    Diamonds? Valuable buildings? Blueprints?
  14. News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    But those are special situations not applicable to everyone in a fellowship. It would be good prize options for individuals who need them but if you don't its a lot a work for minimal returns not for a fellowship.
  15. News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    Does anyone else find those prizes a little underwhelming? Triumph of Tides Artifacts? Why?
  16. Connection issues

    Frickin Orcs digging through the servers again
  17. Sorcerers' Homecoming discussion

    My question to the older players is...Will they offer the ability to complete the set in the Magic Academy or Spire? If not.........
  18. Sorcerers' Homecoming discussion

    876 scrolls I just completed level 60 for 58 scrolls and received the daily 35 scrolls. I have 142 scrolls. There are 16 days left which will provide 560 daily scrolls. I have 15 quests left that, based on the beta I should get 1091 scrolls. Assuming you get 20 scrolls/day appearing around your...
  19. Sorcerers' Homecoming discussion

    I'm a fairly new player (since 1st of the year, Level 6). Ran through the SH quests to level 60 and I'm time gated. I've just gotten the Wood Works and my calculations said there was no way to get to the forge. Came here and it looks like you guys are confirming it. That really really pisses me...