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    Your Elvenar Team

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  1. Tosyda

    Feedback Ads Feedback thread

    Well written, thank you. I hope INNO pays attention to your comments.
  2. Tosyda

    Power hungry?

    Things have improved somewhat with 1 checking on browser that what I could decrease in effects was( it had been all along) 2 turning down the brightness of my iPad screen 3 putting the iPad on dark mode 4 Reducing the time my iPad stays awake when idle.
  3. Tosyda

    Power hungry?

    Support tells me that if the graphic settings are lowered on my browser that will also affect my mobile play. Also (for other iOS players) I am going to use dark screen on my mobile as this it seems also reduces drain on my batteries.
  4. Tosyda

    Power hungry?

    Thanks for your answers. I have played for almost 4 years now and I hope this is not the reason I have to give it up.
  5. Tosyda

    Power hungry?

    I play primarily on mobile. Lately, the past couple of weeks, I seem to be going through my battery charge like crazy. anyone else noticed this? It would likely help if there was a way to reduce some of the animations and effects during longer periods of gameplay.
  6. Tosyda

    Broken shards

    I am just a regular player who has been in the game for about 3 years, so this is just a suggestion not a well planned out idea. I would leave that to those much better at it than I. Simpler is better though.
  7. Tosyda

    Broken shards

    Idea for a new core building: Some sort of factory where we can turn our broken rune shards into runes of our choice. Probably only for AWs a player has currently in place. Would be great in later chapters when there are long stretches between having an AW in the rune stage. Preferrably a small...
  8. Tosyda

    Looking for an active 10 chest fellowship

    Would be pleased to have you join Tinker’s Dam. We are rated at 9.6 for tourney chests. You can help bring us to 10. Tosyda
  9. Tosyda

    Not getting the Red Panda Master Artifacts

    You need to collect the artifacts on the ‘see the prizes ‘ in the event screen.