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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. Queen Tessa

    Koinonia Cornwall Village NEEDS ACTIVE PLAYERS!! :)

    Hi! We are in need of active players with a score of around 50000. We do trades, donate KP's, tournaments and events. If you are looking for a great place to call home please message Queen Tessa. Thank you! ~~ QT
  2. Queen Tessa

    Koinonia Cornwall Village seeking Players!

    Hi All...We need active players willing to join in on tournaments, events, visits at least 3 times a week, trades, etc. We have a great group of players. Would like players with a score of at least 25,000+. If interested please message me or my Mages. Thank you! Queen Tessa Archmage
  3. Queen Tessa


    Hi All...We need active players willing to join in on tournaments, events, visits at least 3 times a week, trades, etc. We have a great group of players. Would like players with a score of at least 30,000. If interested please message me or my Mages. Thank you! Queen Tessa Archmage
  4. Queen Tessa

    Koinonia Cornwall Village is seeking members

    We are seeking at least 5 active players who will participate in tournaments, events, trades, visits, etc. Please be interested in growing. We have a great group and we all love to play the game. Message me, Queen Tessa, if you are interested. Thanks!! :)
  5. Queen Tessa

    Koinonia Cornwall Village is seeking members with Boosted Scrolls

    Hi All...we are seeking players with boosted scrolls. A score of 50K or more would be preferred but not necessary. If you are interested please message Queen Tessa. Thanks!
  6. Queen Tessa

    Koinonia Cornwall Village is seeking members with Boosted Scrolls

    Hi! If you are looking for a great place to call home please message Queen Tessa. We are mostly interested in players with boosted scrolls. Thank you! :)
  7. Queen Tessa

    Koinonia Cornwall Village is seeking members with Boosted Scrolls

    We are seeking members to fill some spots but we are interested in players with boosted scrolls. Please message Queen Tessa if you are interested in joining us. Thanks!! :)
  8. Queen Tessa


    If you are a small active fellowship or an active player looking for a fellowship to join please message Archmage Queen Tessa. We have a great group of players! Hope you will join us! Thanks!
  9. Queen Tessa

    Koinonia seeking Active Players

    Koinonia (koy-nohn-eé-ah) means communion, joint participation. It identifies the idealized state of Fellowship and unity that should exist within. If interested in joining our Fellowship please send a message to Archmage Queen Tessa.
  10. Queen Tessa


    If you fit the "active player" profile, and interested in joining a Fellowship, please message me. We are not only looking for seasoned players but new players are always welcome! We participate in tournaments and events, trades, and basically all aspects of the game. If you are looking for a...