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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. Ronbear the Grand

    FA Avengers — looking for Three! (Khelonaar)

    The FA Avengers is a Gold Spire fellowship (26 consecutive) who open 12-15 Tourney Chests each week and have won the past 2 FAs! We founded this fellowship back in March with the idea that we would focus on Spire Gold and FA glory. We are now looking for three cities to fill our ranks! If your...
  2. Ronbear the Grand

    Anyone also having exorbitant coin badge requirements for the FA???

    I am in chapter 9, and for this FA it takes 27% (3.7M) of my Main Hall capacity (13.6M) to earn a gold coin sack badge. That equates to 119 neighborly help for one badge. Is anyone else having this challenge?
  3. Ronbear the Grand


    Yes, that’s right! We absolutely *need* a Giant Rubber Ducky as the main prize for an upcoming event! Imagine the possibilities…the Rubber Ducky could evolve from a cluster of soap bubbles amid some swirling water in the middle of a bathtub (stage 1) and eventually fill the tub as if the tub...