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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. I'm tired of guest races

    Wow! I'm stuck in chapter 6! Lol. I had no idea what was going to come...So I'm a babe in the woods.. I appreciate every post because I'm learning, and that I totally enjoy. My game was simply to have as many challenges which allows me to learn and then pass what I learned on to even newer...
  2. Cannot log into the game

    Is this before the updates we just downloaded? One of my members was shut out for a month. As the archmage I decided to poke support. I just knew that she didn't quite. I got a lot of: we can't help, no surprise there., have her call you? Duh. really? Have her reboot..right, and how do iI tell...
  3. AW Effects Spreadsheet?

    How about the old fashion way: Graph paper, pens, pencils, pencil sharper and an eraser; works for me.
  4. Mama Juul's Fusion Feast

    Costly, especially for beginners, and running four 4 games at a time, i.e. Spire, Tournament, Season, plus Juul! Forget not the guides demands, ahh, forget about just growing my city! Maybe should drop more hats.
  5. Poaching of players should be banned

    What are you afraid of?