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  1. ThunderingRaymy

    News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

    I've only played one merge event, Mama Juul, but I distinctly remember feeling like the chances of actually winning the daily prize was low. I tried really hard to make recipes that had a high %chance of gettting the daily but the number of times I could try for just that gamble was much lower...
  2. ThunderingRaymy

    Feedback Fellowship Adventures - 2023

    Ah, but then I'd feel like I was abandoning my FS. I put out a good effort and quitting early just seems to be against my conscience.
  3. ThunderingRaymy

    Feedback Fellowship Adventures - 2023

    I'm curious as to why the FA has to be 6 ½ days long. The FS's that play the pit for ranking rewards get to it within 1-4 days, and since those rewards run out after the first 100, it's a small number who compete. So the rest of the time must be for FS's that just want to get the 3 maps done for...
  4. ThunderingRaymy

    Version 1.178

    I'm not sure what 'the locate mystery chest button' is.
  5. ThunderingRaymy

    Possibilities for FA improvement

    Oh? That's interesting. I guess someone did a little checking (which shouldn't be hard to do if you're so inclined). I was about to suggest that casual players probably don't complain so there's no sense in catering to them or talking about motivating them. But the middling ranked FS might...
  6. ThunderingRaymy

    I'm tired of guest races

    The only break I have taken was an entire retreat from the game for about 4-5 months due to RL. Otherwise, I like to push through the chapters cuz I get bored of the same routine and even though the next guest race requires similar actions, the details are different enough to engage me for a...
  7. ThunderingRaymy

    Tournament ending early

    Yup, my timer says it'll start at 10 am Pacific in Ceravyn as usual. Oh well, I had a brief moment of something to my liking.
  8. ThunderingRaymy

    Tournament ending early

    While I'm not happy that people weren't notified (seems Beta knew) and were adversely affected, I was online when it started early and quite liked it. In my time zone (Pacific), I have to wait until 10 am on the first day and starting at 8 am is much more to my liking. But still, if Beta had...