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Search results

  1. World Map One-touch neighborly help

    I also find neighborly help the most tedious part of the game. The single button per neighbor without the popup seems like a reasonable compromise. Reducing it to a single button for all neighbors makes it too easy. It becomes 'press this button daily for a huge wad of cash and supplies"...
  2. Suggestions for improving this forum.

    This is a real longshot. Perhaps Inno could revive and host elvengems. Considering how important a site like that is to retaining new players, I think it would be in their best interest. And if it was official, maybe someone would volunteer to update and maintain it. And while they are at...
  3. Feedback Chapter Migration

    This was explained in the original announcement: ....in a chapter below 6, you will be affected and moved to: The beginning of chapter 5, and get quests linked to chapter 4 if you currently are in chapters 1 to 4. This will happen on Monday, June 26, on the Norwegian servers, and if...
  4. Feedback Chapter Migration

    Any migration ETA for multiple worlds yet?
  5. Fellowship recommendation mechanism is horrible

    Curious. Does anyone use the fellowship recruiting built into the forums? How well does that work? Perhaps a button on the recommendation windows taking the player directly to the "fellowship seeking members" forum for their server.
  6. Feedback Chapter Migration

    Doesn't seem like there are any consistent rules. I have a city I created many months ago mis-clicking. I immediately quit, not doing anything and never going back. It was never deleted. (fyi, I just resurrected it to chapter two so I'll get to see the migration.) A friend had a city that...
  7. Hobby Shop in builders hut

    You are correct, and I apologize. Along with adblocking, I also block scripts. To get the ads to run, I had to disable script blocking on GoogleSyndication.com, GoogleAdServices.com, and Doubleclick.net. So it really wasn't so much research as an obvious conclusion. Hence, "it appears"...
  8. Hobby Shop in builders hut

    I did some research, and it appears they're using Google Ad Services. In theory Google vets the ads they serve so the client does not have to, so it should be OK, although I really don't know much about it.
  9. Feedback Chapter Migration

    I decided to start a 2nd world. Rather than create a new one, I used an old city I started with a misclick some time ago. It is now at the start of chapter 3, and so will get the migration some time soon. Is there any point in playing that world? All the fun is gone, knowing anything I do...
  10. An Interesting Case of Spire Catering

    I'm going to give shifting one to the right a try. It's a long shot, but perhaps the games RNG has a flaw that's uncovered by this technique. Mathematically there is nothing special about shifting, so it's either a bug or luck.
  11. Creeps who make us miserable

    They should form their own FS, perhaps the 'Creep Cluster' or something. Might be entertaining to see what happens when you put 25 of them together in one room.
  12. Feedback Ads Feedback thread

    Resolved, if anyone is interested. Turns out the problem is not Adblocker, despite the misleading message. As long as Adblocker is disabled for Elvenar and Innogames you should be good to go. I also run NoScript, and had to enable it for googlesyndication.com, googleadservices.com, and...
  13. Feedback Ads Feedback thread

    Turns out this is it. Google ad services and related are blocked. Going to take a bit of research to what, if anything I can do about it, but at least it's a start. Thank you
  14. Feedback Ads Feedback thread

    My question. I've disabled adblock on elvenar and innogames, but still get the message telling me to disable adblock. Do I need to whitelist an intermediate site? I'm guessing there's a third party involved. Fully disabling adblock is not an option, as I have multiple tabs/windows open. My...
  15. New Feature - Hobby Room (in builders hut) - Boost your production

    You don't have this button? Does it disappear if you have fully upgraded the hut?
  16. New Feature - Hobby Room (in builders hut) - Boost your production

    Adblocker is disabled on both Elvenar and Innogames sites, but the ads still insist I disable Adblocker. As I have other, unrelated tabs open I cannot disable Adblocker completely. I'm guessing the ads are handled by a third party company. Is there another site I need to whitelist to get this...