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Search results

  1. Is Ceravyn as hard as other worlds? SO SO many players leaving!

    On my third city on the EN server, the amount of gold mines seems be growing at an alarming rate. I was moved to my current location in late 2022 (or beginning of 2023), and once again me and my neighbours are facing the oncoming hordes of gold mines. I've also noticed a reduction in posted...
  2. News from Discord - May Contain Info!

    I keep getting the Ashen and Astral effects mixed up, as I still need artifacts for both! I wish the duration for the feeding effect on Astral was longer, 12 hours doesn't get far unless you use timeboosters.
  3. Feedback Official Elvenar Discord server

    I particularly like this line: "We just started here on Discord less than 2 months ago, so far it has been great, and more time is needed." We've already been told that Discord has more members and activity than the forums, so what do they need more time for? At this point it's obvious the...
  4. Feedback Official Elvenar Discord server

    For those not on Discord, the Ask a Dev has been and gone. Here is someone asking about the forums: Here is the response from Ligario: Have to say, reading this after Crackie's excellent post on how they torched the forums really does highlight the disconnect between the community and Devs.
  5. Feedback Official Elvenar Discord server

    I will say Simaril (and they have mentioned others) do seem to genuinely want the forums to stay, and have been pushing for that behind the scenes. But otherwise, you hit the nail on the head. Even with the recent QoL improvements (many of which have been asked for years, some way back in...
  6. Feedback Official Elvenar Discord server

    Simaril, a member of the Elvenar team has posted why the forums are closing. Spoilered due to length: And their response to the in game link to the forum being removed/demographics of the playerbase: Given how up in the air things seem to be, I thought this should be shared for those who...
  7. Has Inno finally lost the plot?

    I joined the Elvenar Discord when it was first announced. There was, as you'd expect, an initial flurry of activity but now it's a ghost town. Meanwhile, the US, Beta and International Forum have been more active since the move to Discord. Funny that. Players supposedly wanted a Discord...
  8. Struggling smaller cities

    Hah! Twiddling thumbs is exactly what I was getting at in my ramble when I said it didn't feel like I was *playing*. With the tournament and Spire delayed in tech tree, there's little to do outside of events. Even then, event progress is limited by RNG, hitting a difficult quest, running out of...
  9. Struggling smaller cities

    I have three cities on the international server, all catering. I started my city on the US server in January, and while I toyed with the idea of making a fighting city, I decided to use what I'd learned from my three cities and build a catering city from scratch. Until Monday this week, I'd been...